"She still sees her ex-husband and talks to him every day," said actress Gwyneth Paltrow, who married late last year from television producer Brad Fletchuk.

Paltrow, 46, divorced her former husband, British singer Chris Martin, 41, the rock star of Coldplay, and the father of her daughter and son, in 2014, after a 10-year marriage.

"I think we have been able to remain a family," said the celebrity contact website, Contact Music. "Chris is a close friend. I see him every day, and I talk to him every day. "It was very difficult, but I think you see that the kids have gone too far, so I'm proud of us. I'm really proud."

"We have maintained our commitment that children come first."

Paltrow's comments come after her husband, the 47-year-old Waltz, recently joined her ex-husband Chris, her daughter Apple and her 12-year-old son Moosez in the Maldives.

Paltrow called the honeymoon "very modern," adding that "it was during the Christmas period."