The metropolis of Greater Paris (MGP) voted, on Monday, November 12, the ban on the circulation of diesel vehicles over 18 years and gasoline over 21 years old in July 2019 inside the A86 in Île-de-France. of France. Some 79 municipalities are concerned.

The metropolis of Greater Paris (MGP) will become next summer a "low emission zone" . On Monday, it voted to ban the circulation of the most polluting vehicles from July 2019 inside the A86 in Île-de-France. Diesel vehicles over 18 years old and gasoline over 21 years are targeted, ie cars classified Crit'Air 5 and unclassified. "We must show collective courage , " declared the President of the PGM, Patrick Ollier, in front of elected officials, referring to the "5,000 to 6,000 pollution deaths each year in the region" .

To be final, the measure must be the subject of consultations with the population of each municipality and the 79 mayors concerned must then make orders.

The Metropolitan Council adopts the project of setting up a Low Emissions Zone within the A86 as of July 1, 2019 for vehicles classified Crit'Air 5 and unclassified # air quality #life quality #more breathe

- Metropolis of Greater Paris (@GrandParisMGP) November 12, 2018