The Swedish ski racers Lisa Hörnblad, Lin Ivarsson and Helena Rapaport have saved a man's life on the sidelines of the World Cup in Garmisch-Partenkirchen: A 60-year-old German suffered a heart attack in a gondola up to the Kandahar downhill, Swedish TV reports.

Accordingly, he was unconscious and sank to the ground. Hörnblad then took the initiative and gave the man a heart-lung massage.

"It was completely crazy, we fought for his life, it was long minutes," said Hörnblad the Swedish TV channel SVT. "We had no choice but we were there, we were forced to act."


Lisa Hörnblad during a training in Garmisch-Partenkirchen

While performing life-saving operations, Rapaport tried to keep the man in the gondola seat; Ivarsson tried to call for help. At the top of the mountain, the team doctor of the Austrian team supported the Swedes until the rescue helicopter arrived.

Several hours later, the message came from the hospital that the man had survived. "We are very happy that it went well," said Hörnblad.

The incident occurred on Thursday when the Swedes were on their way to visit the track before the World Cup races over the weekend.