It is 64 meters long and clogs a sewer near the coastal town of Sidmouth: A monstrous fat mountain has been discovered in a sewage system in the UK.

It should take about eight weeks to remove the rock-hard structure. According to the responsible water company South West Water is the largest fat mountain, which was previously found in the south English county of Devon.

He was as long as six double-decker buses in a row. The director of wastewater affairs, Andrew Roantree, told the British media that the find shows that such gobs of fat appeared not only in major UK cities, but also in coastal towns.

Devon's largest #fatberg has been discovered in Sidmouth. It's a whopping 64 meters long, that's over 6 double decker buses back-to-back # ThinkSink Do not pour cooking oil, grease and grease down the sink #LoveYourLoo Only flush the # 3Ps - pee, paper and poo

- South West Water (@SouthWestWater) January 8, 2019

In autumn 2017, a monstrous fat mountain was discovered in London, which clogged the sewer system. He was 250 meters long, a whopping 130 tons heavy and consisted mainly of diapers, wipes, condoms and hard cooking fat. The removal of the colossus took weeks. A small remainder was later exhibited in a museum.

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United Kingdom: Monstrous Greaseberg clogs sewerage

Greasy mountains like this are the result when consumers rinse their waste carelessly down the toilet. Many Britons also dispose of hot grease in the sewers. As a result, debris is glued to a rock hard mass. The phenomenon also exists in Germany, but not to the same extent as in Great Britain.