I read to one of them saying, "Who said money is everything? That's not true, love is the most important thing in life, so I love money." There is no doubt that money has a special place in human life and occupies a large part of its psychological and social map. This is due to the essence of our desire to own and possess things, and also because the man has multiple desires and needs, such as the restaurant, the drink and the house. Self and many others, and money to facilitate the collection of those desires and needs, here is normal and not a problem at all, but the problems occur when the human transcends his humanity and becomes "money is everything in existence" or "to give him a college and reduce it," and This is so Disorders and problems related to money and the so-called "diseases of money."

As a human being, we take thousands of tricks and activities to avoid those feelings, and it is not natural to have one medicine for all those feelings is money alone, And this belief is what drives some people obsession with money and collect wealth without any considerations for itself and other requirements, and this person on his way to "collect wealth" loses a lot of humanity, becomes without feelings and feeling only related to money profit and loss, it suffers only as much as it lacks Of his balance and does not enjoy only by more than R. The money alone determines its actions and behaviors, then becomes a machine to raise money only, has become the collection of money is the purpose of existence and not a means to facilitate its existence.

Both the "geek with money" and "the afraid of money" are many and many defenses to prevent the fact that he is suffering from psychological disorders and an abnormal life. The obsession when talking about his obsession tells you: I am a practical and realistic person

And certainly such a person will not give any importance to human relations even to those around him, and gradually begins to lose the sense of the spirit of things around him and everything related to values ​​and principles or abstract meanings such as love and loyalty and others and will show him some sick feelings such as selfishness and narcissism, and obsession with money will make him resort to each strategy of This is because of his need for immediate gratification, because he has an unbridled desire to profit and raise money. He is naturally impatient, and the obsession with money will remain his identity towards constant misery.

I read to one of the Salaf said: "Whoever claims to hate the world or the money, he has a liar, but to prove his sincerity, if proven true is crazy." But what is the explanation for what happens with a lot of people who are arrogant and rejecting the world and its pleasures exaggeratedly, while seeing them unconvinced and blinded all the time, so what is the matter? They are living in a situation called "money phobia" or "fear of money", which is the result of negative experiences that occurred with him in his youth related to money, he gets confused when he is paid or spent, finds his rest away from it altogether, and researchers found that "money phobia" In fact, it is a great love for him turned things upside down and turned the love of excessive money to hatred, and found that this hatred is not directed to the money itself, but directed to the atmosphere and roles of the owner of money, including taking decisions and dealing with the greed and greed and other positions that feel Towards her after the balance and anxiety, enthralled in his mind a Money is the root of all evils, and they are constantly wasting opportunities that will improve their financial situation. Hence, we know that the asceticism of those who are not true and contrary to logic is how I sacrifice something I did not get from the beginning. If asceticism is their preferred mode of living, Not like them who have something of the world and live a bit of prosperity, and this is proof of their love for money and the minimum, but what prevents them disturbances and holding that need treatment sessions specialist.

The "geek with money" and "the fear of money" may take many steps and defenses to prevent the fact that he is suffering from psychological disorders and an abnormal life. The maniac when he speaks of his obsession tells you: I am a practical and realistic person and I do not believe in ideals and empty slogans. Money, when you talk about his unreasonable asceticism, says to you: "The latter is the desired," "the world to the demise" and the like, and this is all right but to be blessed. I thank God and thank the people and make them better than I promise to attack the Lord of people and the people.