This has not existed since 2001: The Federal Council has called the Conciliation Committee for a planned amendment to the Basic Law. The representatives of the federal states were unanimous that the bill had to be fundamentally revised.

The reason for the dispute is the digital pact for the schools: The federal government has promised the countries five billion euros for computer and IT technology and the financing of digital learning content. The pact is blocked for the time being.

But in order for the federal government to be able to intervene and pay the sovereignty of the federal states, the Basic Law must be amended.

Originally, a simple passage was planned, which merely said that the federal government can grant financial aid to the municipal educational infrastructure. The Prime Ministers of the Länder agreed with that - after all, the funds were not tied to any conditions.

However, they wanted to see FDP and Greens. Without the guarantee that countries would actually spend the money on improving education, they did not want to approve the bill. In addition, a co-financing by the states was established.

From the short-term change, the states felt taken by surprise. They unanimously rejected the draft.