The National Meteorological Center (NCMC) predicted that the weather - from Friday to Tuesday - will be cloudy to partly cloudy with the possibility of fog and light rain on some areas.

Where the weather is partly cloudy today, the wind is northwesterly on the sea, and the sea is in the middle of the waves and gradually winds up late at night in the Arabian Gulf and in the Oman Sea.

Saturday weather is expected to be humid at night, with mild haze on some interior areas in the morning, partly cloudy, low and medium clouds especially on the sea and northern regions with possible rain and slight drop in temperature. Northwest winds are gradually increasing on the sea, To the very turbulent Gulf and Mediterranean to the turbulent in the Sea of ​​Oman.

Sunday is expected to be partly cloudy to sometimes cloudy on the coasts and islands, and some light rain may fall during the day and wet the interior at night and in the early morning and sometimes forced during the day.

The wind is northwesterly and the sea is very turbulent at times in the Arabian Gulf and turbulent in the Sea of ​​Oman.

On Monday, it is expected that the weather will be partly cloudy to cloudy sometimes, especially on the coasts and islands, and wet on the interior at night and in the early morning.

Wind is northwesterly and the sea is turbulent in the Arabian Gulf and is turbulent to the Mediterranean Sea.

The weather on Tuesday is wet at night and may be mild fog on some interior areas in the morning and partly cloudy in general, the wind is northwesterly and the sea is turbulent in the Arabian Gulf and turbulent to the Mediterranean Sea.