The National Meteorological Center (NMC) predicts that the state will prevail tomorrow, Tuesday, with wet weather, fog and light fog in the westerly morning. They may become partially cloudy sometimes, and the low clouds may form in the afternoon to the west. The eastern and southeasterly winds turn northeast from 15 to 25 Up to 38 km / h and the sea is light to the average in the Arabian Gulf and in the Sea of ​​Oman.

On Wednesday, there is a wet weather especially in the west, with the possibility of fog and light fog in the morning becoming partly cloudy and sometimes windy, and the east and southeast winds turn northeast to 15 to 25 km / h. The Mediterranean Sea in the Arabian Gulf and the Sea of ​​Oman .

The weather on Thursday will be generally cloudy and partly cloudy on some areas especially east. The winds east to southeasterly from 20 to 30 up to 38 km / h are particularly dusty to the east. The sea is generally moderate in the Arabian Gulf and in the sea. Amman.

The center also predicted that the weather on Friday will become partly cloudy and sometimes cloudy, especially east and winds east to southeasterly from 20 to 30 up to 40 km / h, sometimes dusty and dusty, and the average sea may be disturbed sometimes in the Arabian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea.

While the weather on Saturday will be partly cloudy and sometimes cloudy, and the clouds will increase in some areas, especially the south and west, and may be permeated by some cumulus clouds. Winds east to southeasterly from 25 to 35 up to 42 km / h are sometimes dusty and dusty. The sea is moderate to sometimes turbulent in the Arabian Gulf and Mediterranean in the Sea of ​​Oman.