Prices for flights within the EU may not be quoted in any currency following a ruling by the European Court of Justice. Airlines that do not display the prices in euros would have to choose at least one currency, which is objectively related to the flight offered, the Luxembourg judges ruled on Thursday.

This is especially true for those currencies that are legal tender at the start or destination. In addition to the euro, which has 19 states as currency, there are nine other currencies in the community.

Background of the decision is a case from Germany, in which the consumer center Baden-Württemberg against the German low-cost airline German Wings had sued. In September 2014, Germanwings had specified the price for a flight from London to Stuttgart on its homepage exclusively in British pounds.

A customer who had booked the flight then complained to the Consumer Center. This saw in the fact that the price was not specified in the common currency in Germany euro, unfair behavior and complained. However, because the pound is legal tender at the place of departure in the UK, the Luxembourg judges do not see it as a violation of EU law.

European Court of Justice: Case C-330/17