European Council this Thursday evening in Brussels and, according to Vincent Hervouët, it is "the summit of the lame".

But triumphant slits. It's a real contest of survivors. In the top three of the head, Theresa May. She was nearly divorced last night. All week she was lynched. Monday by the deputies outraged that she gives up in extremis to make them vote the agreement on the Brexit. They would not have voted but they are frustrated that she escaped this humiliation. On Tuesday, she ran in vain to the continent to retouch the accursed deal. La Presse mocked that she had run away. Berlin, Brussels, The Hague slammed the door in his face. She did not even ring at the Elysee. Yesterday finally, it is by swearing to take soon retirement that it obtained a final reprieve. Hat the artist! Tonight, she will make an appearance on the Council, that's good, it's a ghost prime minister. She will never vote for her Brexit. We can believe in Santa Claus. Not to Mother Theresa May.

READ ALSO - EU ready to "help" Theresa May, but not to renegotiate Brexit agreement

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At the top of the cripples, the most thunderous is the Italian. The Commission rejected its draft budget for 2019 and released the box. Last night, Rome reduced its deficit forecast from 2.4% to 2.04%. General applause. Salutes especially Ministers Salvini and Di Maio who denounce since Monday the gifts made by Emmanuel Macron in yellow vests and are indignant that France makes less scandal than Italy. This opportunism paid off. Italy will be able to deepen its debt. Brussels is looking elsewhere.

READ ALSO - French budget: the EU can not "pretend nothing", says Matteo Salvini

Finally, France. Champion of the invalids. She is the sick Man of Europe tonight.

The anger of the yellow vests shocked our neighbors, especially the Germans.

The order is to save the soldier Macron. It may well drop a dough of nuts, it must calm the game.
The deficit is announced at 3.4%. Paris claims that it is the price to pay for the reforms to continue. It's dialectic, it's clever.
The raw truth is that trust is reached. The president who wanted to rebuild Europe put forward its exemplary accounts. This was not enough to convince Angela Merkel. Now it's too late.
In 2019, there will be a new Commission, a new Parliament and a Europe reduced to 27. But we do not see who can save the European project from the languor into which it sinks.