The assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi brings to light the cruelty of the dictatorship of Saudi Arabia.

In the shadow of this known man, how many Saudi men and women are victims of this barbarism? " This murder is part of a large-scale crackdown on human rights defenders, lawyers, journalists, writers and bloggers, " MEPs write. Torture, death penalty, torture of sharia are still practiced in this kingdom!

This heinous crime has sparked a worldwide outcry. Under pressure, Saudi Arabia had to recognize this assassination, perpetrated in Turkey, while denying it. France, Germany and the United Kingdom together demanded a " credible investigation ". The United Nations should seize it. Because, " the crime was premeditated and involved state officials, " concludes the UN expert, Agnes Callamard. The European Parliament calls on its states to prepare to " impose targeted sanctions " on Saudi Arabia.

Germany and France: different positions

But when it comes to action, Germany and France do not take the same path.

Germany, to its credit, suspends arms supplies to Saudi Arabia until the case is cleared up. In addition, Angela Merkel puts the Yemeni war in the balance: " Saudi Arabia must do everything to resolve the situation in Yemen. There are [...] millions of people who are hungry. We are witnessing one of the greatest humanitarian disasters. "

France, the third arms dealer in the world, flees the question pending the results of the investigation. The President of the Republic even said: " It's pure demagogy to say stop selling arms, " they " have nothing to do with Mr. Khashoggi ... "

The sale of weapons

Saudi Arabia, the largest oil supplier, is also a major buyer of French weapons. A so-called realistic policy should not prevail over the imperatives of international humanitarian law or the respect of France's commitments.

Because France has signed international treaties regulating arms sales. However, they prohibit the transfer of arms to countries when there is a " risk of serious violation of international humanitarian law " . (1) Which is the case: Saudi Arabia is at the head of the coalition that bombed hospitals, food storages ..., causing the humanitarian crisis of which by Mrs. Merkel.

" The crown prince must restore the dignity of his country by ending the cruel war of Yemen, " wrote Jamal Khashoggi in a recent article that may have cost him his life. Because his assassins also wanted to silence his voice forever. This crime should be the subject of an independent investigation under the auspices of the Security Council. France, which is a member, must promote it. And he is happy that France and Germany have decided to have a common position in the future.

Right now, humanity is ordering us to enact an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia. So, Jamal Khashoggi will not be dead in vain.
