The third season of the France Télévisions event series will be broadcast from Wednesday, November 14 on France 2. The trailer was posted on YouTube a few days ago. And we can already see some of the stars who will participate in the episodes!

Jean Dujardin, Monica Bellucci, Isabelle Huppert ... The third season of Ten Percent should once again invite many stars of the seventh art. France Télévisions released this week the trailer on its YouTube channel.

This series takes place in an agency impresarios whose "customers" are stars who play their own fictitious role as, in the first two seasons: Nathalie Baye, Fabrice Luchini or Isabelle Adjani.

Apart from the stars announced above, we will also find Gerard Lanvin or Beatrice Dalle in season 3.

"Complicated" to convince the actors

It was sometimes "complicated" to convince the actors to play the game tells the scriptwriter. "We had to convince the actors that they would have fun, that their image would not be chipped, on the contrary, that it would be beneficial," says the screenwriter.

Isabelle Huppert is thus camped in bulimic contracts, an "aspect of his fictional character in line with what it is in reality," he notes.

"It's fun to go to the other side of the mirror," commented Camille Cottin, one of the series' lead actresses. "It's a representative panel, quite close to reality. "

The fourth season, whose writing is in progress, should be the last one says the director.