A motorcyclist and a motorist are judged in Valence (Drôme) Wednesday for "endangering the life of others". In October 2017, the two accused had been spotted on the A7 motorway in the middle of the race at around 300 km / h. They were betrayed by a video, posted by the biker on his YouTube channel. They risk up to one year in prison.

Their small race could cost them dearly. In October 2017, a KTM 1290 (a very powerful bike) had fun racing with a Mercedes-AMG GT V8 Bturbo of more than 510 horses on the A7 motorway near Valence (Drôme). The biker posted the video on his YouTube channel. The images had quickly made the buzz.

To remain anonymous and evade a penalty, the 26-year-old YouTubeur took care to blur his counter. The gendarmes have still managed to identify him, reports Le Parisien this Wednesday, October 31, while the trial of the two drivers opens in Valencia.

"I wanted to see her more closely"

After a long and thorough investigation, the gendarmes found the trace of the biker and the driver that he had followed on the highway. The young man, responsible for a large retail store, was arrested on January 18 at his home in the Bouches-du-Rhone. His motorcycle and video equipment were confiscated. The driver was arrested and placed in police custody the same day.

"I did not see the harm when I broadcast the video , says the biker. Usually, I broadcast images of my walks [...], but this time I fell by chance on this beautiful car driven by a motorist I wanted to follow to see it more closely .

For the gendarmerie, it is important to show that even in flagrante delicto, people "can be prosecuted for criminal acts if they are posted on the Internet" . The two protagonists are being prosecuted for "endangering the lives of others" , "excessive speed" and "non-respect of safety distances" . They incur one year in prison, a fine of € 15,000 and several years of license suspension.