News from the island

  • Qatar welcomes Morocco's call for dialogue with Algeria
  • Foreign Minister of Austria: Saudi Arabia's account of Khashoggi's death is unconvincing
  • The war of Yemen .. American recommendation to avoid facilities and Houthi doubts
  • Simple methods help you adjust your mood
  • Accused of spying for Iran .. Amnesty warns of imminent executions in Saudi Arabia

Electronic flies or e-committees, one of the most important weapons of modern electronic warfare on social networking sites, do not require large financial costs and lethal arsenal of weapons, but just computers, robots programmed and viruses enough to damage and fuel conflicts, e-flies are imaginary accounts programmed and directed towards And in systematic ways managed by software and sites that write comments and responses and automatically re-create Twitter, where they create tags (Hashtags, use social networking sites to defend a particular viewpoint, attack an opposing viewpoint, Persons or countries in order to influence public opinion. Also used by international companies to promote their products to raise the level of sales and superiority of its competitors Al in exchange for a sum of money for the makers of robots.

E-flies have become prominent in the conflicts and political crises, especially in the Gulf region during the current Gulf crisis between Qatar and Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, as well as the controversy caused by the suspicion of Russia's intervention in the US presidential elections in 2016, accused of manipulating the American public opinion and guidance during the election campaign By penetrating the National Network of the Democratic National Committee, leaking information on the Internet to influence the electoral behavior of the American citizen, the impact of electronic flies in the Syrian crisis, Z platform for tired and fed sectarian hatred and a virtual battle field led by supporters of the Syrian regime and its opponents.

The poisoning of Hastags and the trend industry:

Electronic flies act on manipulating images and videos by showing fictitious images and videos of events that are not real or occurred in the country, for example - and propagate them as perceived in the state. - especially those relating to human rights violations.

Trend is one of the most interactive and most widely used social networking sites. It presents the most important political and social events, and the common links that are the subject of consensus, discussion or conflict in a local or international geographical area. The Trind and Hashtag are made in the first two ways Through the electronic battalions increase the rate of interaction, publishing and re-publishing and replication of content on the widest scale, while the second by paying money for electronic flies in opposition to programming robots that advertise and promote economic institutions and companies for financial gain, or support parties and political figures During the campaign period.

E-flies poison Hashtak, where active Hashatak is attacked and the creation of the opposite of it with a number of accounts that repeat the publication of parallel tweets by flooding the sites with content and ideas of opposition to surpass the original in terms of activity and the number of publications, and launched a campaign of organized rumors with the replacement of the main issue by raising issues Secondary, in the sense of creating a crisis to eliminate a crisis and make it look like a public opinion issue and represent the opinion of the majority, and that the demands of the main issue are just a minority, that in fact was designed Hashtag which in turn loses ordinary users the ability to find and interact with information The real traded published by ordinary users.

MIKANIZAT in the work of electronic flies for digital propaganda:

1 - spread strongly in different international news sites and in the pages of influential figures that have an international echo and forums and platforms of communication of a hostile state with the characteristics and names associated with the enemy state, as well as exploitation of the prevailing social conformity of the target country (customs, traditions, beliefs and ideas) and communicate with them Drawing attention and spreading rumors and calling for the overthrow of the regime and incitement to subversive acts to create an unstable environment and expand the gap of alienation between the state and its people.

2 - recruiting people with high influence of clerics, journalists, academics and athletes .. who have thousands and some of them have millions of followers and put them in the war tweets because their point of view are popular and have a wide media echo, including those who are absorbed by the threat, including funds This category also includes international multi-national networks (lobbies) led by a state (the operating state of these figures) to defend them by proxy and promote their internal and external orientations and interests.

3 - manipulation of images and videos by showing images and videos fabricated for events that are not genuine or occurred in the state - a - and propaganda as perceived in the state - b - especially issues related to human rights violations and conflicts, which usually provoke great interaction in the media.

4- Publishing and commenting through a real personal account or authenticated documentaries, so that the credibility of the publication is given and then the electronic battalions support it and raise the level of interaction by expressing admiration and promoting it in the largest number of sites and various means of social communication.

5 - Attacking the opinion or the opposition against insults, extortion, treason (accusation of betrayal of the homeland and employment of foreign powers) and the person to turn the debate from intellectual on a political or social issue to personal matters related to the owner of the publication or category infringing.

6 - To conduct mass reporting campaigns at the same time or through payments against people and opposition accounts and accused, for example, of harming official institutions and persons or sanctities, when the frequent communications social networking site to block and hide the reported publication, which is originally just a normal opinion or criticism of government policies And does not contain insulting or insulting religions and sanctities, but has been reported so as not to spread and influence the public opinion and dispersion around them, resulting in the emergence of Hathtag not desirable.

7 - Programming publications and comments are working automatically The main purpose is to repeat rumors and comments in the same case, it is frequent repetition of content to enter into the consciousness of the recipient and become influential, in this regard, says Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany: "Successful publicity must contain On a few points and rely on repetition. "

The lack of real e-IDs by not including real personal information in the accounts that no real picture, phone number, personal address or e-mail indicates that this is an imaginary account

communication Web-sites

How to determine phantom accounts:

1- The lack of real e-IDs by not including real personal information in the accounts that no real picture, phone number, personal address or e-mail is available.

2 - Activity with pseudonyms and pseudo accounts, ie the use of names associated with national symbols, personalities and social.

3 - the re-establishment of accounts routinely, especially after the deletion or freezing of activity as a result of notification or discovery of their imaginary account by the facilitators of social networking sites.
4 - Follow-up and confusion on the accounts of anti-flyers, from local and international opponents.

5- Newly established accounts with a short time interval between account and another, do not receive a large number of followers.

6 - Fast publishing and Twitter (many publications at one time).

7 - Accounts free of publications and does not interact with him and follow-up in the presence.

8. The accounts shall operate at certain times only for the purpose of supporting the dissemination or promotion of a public opinion issue.

9. Duplicate content and topic in different social platforms.