News from the island

  • UN sets ceasefire date in Hodeidah
  • Canberra clings to Jerusalem as capital of Israel and Bahrain criticizes Arab condemnation of Australia
  • Erdogan: Turkey's efforts prompted Congress to accuse a certain person of killing Khashoggi
  • Erekat considers normalization a betrayal of Palestinian blood
  • Director Kiir: We will launch a foundation for the care of democracy Khashoggi was first born

In the cell, different components combine to form in several organisms of multiple shapes and functions. They are organized into a coherent, compact unit that operates according to precise central programming. It is the smallest living unit that looks like a single block. It is an unrivaled diversity and richness, and several interactions and transformations between and between the nucleus and the nucleus. Half open half-closed. Cells with privacy are formed in form and function to form the tissues that are organs involved in the systems and are integrated into the body unit. Is the billions of different molecules, diverse, existing and interacting in one body seems to be homogenous Harmony would not have that creativity and life would not have been the internal interactions between the various components and would not have been for the destruction and construction that he lives at every moment, that is the body or the vessel What about what contained ?

There is no doubt that the self and personality in its apparent qualities are the result of different psychological reactions. If they suggest an integral moral unit, it conceals partial differences and perhaps internal conflicts and interactions. In the end, man appears to be one, though he is a mass of different, varied and sometimes contradictory components. If this individual, this social cognitive organism by nature, contains all this difference and diversity, how, when organized in a group of its kind?

Diversity and diversity The basis of life:

We would not have obtained water if the two hydrogen atoms had not bonded to the oxygen atom, a strong and stable bond and a relationship and a bond between two different ones, one of which did not prevent one or many of its electrons from rejecting the other. And if there was no water, no life, no lamp to illuminate the darkness, no engine, no vast space, and the same law that we discovered with microscopy in the smaller field. Is the difference and diversity that gives the picture colors, radiation and movement, black is the absence of each color and white is the presence of all of them and both carry the meanings of silence and death. To be alive is to be aware of things and to accept them with their differences and colors. The garden is beautiful as it is, including its different colors and water.

Difference and organization:

We can be different within the rules of the common, which does not impose nor fall, but stems from the womb of the group. Nor can we exercise exclusion against others, which we categorically reject

We are in need of the other and are forced to organize in groups of different denominations, family, tribe or community, units that have been accumulated by a cumulative participant and a moral contract of coexistence that determines the affiliation that gives the individual a smooth and satisfying sense of his or her needs Safe. The group as the body, if it seems to be unity, carries differences and diversity. The forces of attraction, contrast, scrambling and interrelationship between its members give it momentum and dynamism and make it live and grow.

The difference within the same group and acceptance can be employed and invest positively and it is not a door to the division and sedition and chaos as promoted by some of the tyrants on a curriculum I see you only what I see. For example, the body, which regulates cells, organs and systems, does not accept the presence of a foreign body or a cancerous cell and acts for its safety, cohesion, unity, and existence of all its defensive mechanisms.

Thus, if the groups acquire certain specificities that make them different from each other and they stimulate acquaintance and cross-fertilization, as stated in verse 13 of Surah Al-Kharjat: " O people, we have created you from male and female, and have made you peoples and tribes to know each other, . Peculiarities must be respected contrary to the wild globalization, which has not and will produce only explosive shocks and fragmentation of groups and quinities so that it is easy to sweep and dominate at the lowest costs. We can be different within the rules of the common, which does not impose nor fall, but stems from the womb of the group. Nor can we exercise exclusion against others, which we categorically reject.

Accepting the difference between past and present:

The real dilemma facing our Arab and Muslim societies, which are submerged in a sea of ​​backwardness, torn apart and fraught with wounds, is that they do not accept differences. They evoke from their entire history some of the most striking elements of division and discord. The domination and tyranny of opinion and the absence of a culture of dialogue and the lack of acceptance of the other opinion appear to be rooted in individuals and groups , Some still insist on thinking in black and white in a futile application of destructive zero equations. No Arab or Muslim country is free from artificial and imaginary existential conflicts, an identity with religious, sectarian, ethnic, tribal or ideological implications that drains all Energy and impede any progress or attempt to mobilize.

It is a state of semi-chronic, manifest or latent disintegration that may extinguish the fire of its fire for a moment to be breathed again as a way to distract from confronting the merits of the moment. It is unjust and alien to objectivity and right to return some of our reality to the legacy of centuries of underdevelopment and tyranny select selectively from the history of a nation full of luminaries moments of recoil and darkness, many of them starting from the point of great strife and beyond and do not make an effort to return to the past where did not know human civilization as enlightened Which was achieved in Medina, an example that can be inspired by it, where the coexistence of Alos and Khazraj and immigrants, and the presence of the Arab and Persian and Ajami and equal white and black and did not injustice a Jew or a Christian or hypocrite, was a diverse society, And did not make the power of truth which was in the best hand of God's creation despotic to others or using the absolute right of power. With enlightened light we can be enlightened, to employ our differences in what works and what may change destiny.