News from the island

  • "Child Trump" is flying in the skies of Paris
  • French newspaper: How does the brain to organize our ideas?
  • Martyrs, including a Qassam commander tried occupation kidnapped in Gaza
  • "Out" .. A documentary film of the island explores extremism and crowns internationally
  • The documentary "Amal" celebrates revolutionary women

In his latest novel "The Origin", American writer Dan Brown expressed his optimism about the future of man as he lived the age of technology and artificial intelligence. He saw a new breed of human being emerging, a technology that takes a large part of its structure not only because a segment of it has installed limbs and members "Smart technology is an integral part of everyday life, but because modern technology is interfering in most of the human activities, the most special and sensitive," concluded the well-known novelist. "Technology in the future will unify, enlighten and raise us."

Perhaps Dan Brown's failure to preach a new evolutionary strain of the human race is capable of overcoming disease, epidemics, and living for as long as possible on Earth. This smart technology has already undermined the most rational achievement that man has been able to develop over the centuries. Here is democracy as a set of mechanisms that allowed the premium of contemporary societies to manage their differences and rationalize their competition away from wars of genocide and eradication. Which means that the openness of societies that raise the banner of modernity to new periods of wars and conflicts may not keep them.

The world continued to see democracies under the hammer of "false news", "phantom accounts" and "robots" on social networking sites. The coup against the will of the people is no longer carried out by the tank, which directs its cannon towards the radio building until the coupists finish reading their statement, but it happens in a soft and "super intelligent" way by poisoning the public space and blaming it with a nebula of rumors, false statements, false news, It does software and algorithms designed specifically for this task. There is talk today about the lack of integrity of the US presidential election and a group of Russian hackers dipped their noses in favor of President Donald Trump, and voices are calling for a re-vote on Britain's exit from the European Union because the data relied on by the British voter was misleading, as these statements and misleading news The leaders of the extreme right are in power in many "secular" and "enlightened" societies. The American novelist may be right in predicting a bright future for man and a long life. He has succeeded in conquering deadly diseases and is pleased with the life of prosperity and well-being thanks to smart technology, but we should not forget that it was the same technology that put the nuclear button under the finger of a man obsessed with arms deals, He sees wars as promising investment opportunities.

The democratic process in the minds of modernity societies is nothing more than a visual act that legitimizes the capital dictatorship of modern technology

In his book The End of History and the Last Man, American thinker Francis Fukuyama says: "Liberal democracy can truly constitute the ultimate ideological development of humanity and the ultimate form of any human judgment." The book and its thesis have been greatly celebrated and one of the most prominent thinkers of modern times has been celebrated. The end of the Cold War, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union helped to foster a sense of superiority and absolute confidence in the liberal ideology. mechanism. I do not know what Fukuyama's position is now, as he sees his thesis and has fallen freely in the height of its dominance and dominance. The question now is: Is the democratic model still valid for application in contemporary contexts? Does he honestly and honestly reflect the political will of the people? Or is the democratic process in the minds of modernist societies merely a form of action that legitimizes the dictatorship of capital imbued with modern technology, just as in the absurdity of democratic practice in the Third World?

Those who see in the system of Islamic governance with its concepts and procedures are old-fashioned and outdated, must be loyal to their modernist spirit and judge the same thing on the liberal democratic model, where the faults that have damaged its structure have become impenetrable. Everyone can predict the fate of this world if the democratic system collapses or people lose faith in it. A peek at the conditions of the Third World can give us a clear idea of ​​what will happen; endless wars of power, coups overthrown by dictatorships and dictatorships. If those who are obsessed with the Western liberal democratic model think that their model of ether is a condition for any cultural renaissance, and think instead of it in another formula that preserves the identity of the nation and the authenticity of its message, while guaranteeing its members all their political rights. It will be understood that the Islamic caliphate fell after decades of conspiracies, devastating wars, direct coups and direct and indirect interference by the world's major powers at the time, but what would not be understood is that liberal democracy has fallen or is about to fall and enjoys the protection of the most powerful weapons, the most powerful armies, Fell on its own in the height of its material and symbolic power. This raises the most important questions about the feasibility and ability to withstand the constraints of time and history. The Islamic caliphate has been forcibly and forcibly overthrown, while liberal democracy has fallen automatically because it simply carries at its core the factors of its demise.

Democracy is a human achievement, not a registered patent for white men. It has contributed to the building of minds from different civilizations and nations. Western democracy is another possibility that democracy can achieve. Its procedural dimension involves radical solutions to the most important crises of governance and public affairs in our Islamic world. In the early 1980s, the Iranian revolution led a group of intellectuals who believed in a superstitious idea that contradicted the mind and the transfer of the rule of the jurist but managed to shape it and institutionalize it in a political system that took from democratic thought what it needed to continue and to transfer power and manage competition. This mashleaf security system mullahs himself a degree of stability in an environment fraught with conflicts and unrest.

The Lebanese writer (French) Amin Maalouf stamped his book "Crusades as seen by the Arabs" with a remark worthy of contemplation in the context of his talk about the Arab handicaps and their inability to employ their clear victory against the Crusaders and the resumption of the Islamic glamor. "Their second disability is the inability of the Arabs Since the arrival of the Frankish in the East has succeeded in creating real states, the Caliphate in Jerusalem was generally made up of non-confrontations. The Kingdom's Council exercised effective control over the monarch's policy and the priesthood had a recognized role in the game of government. Islamic rule, every monarchy was threatened at the time of death , And every move was in power it raises a civil war. " The Muslim rulers and their scholars - on the greatness of their ignorance and sacrifice - did not realize the sensitivity of the momentous moment on the eve of the expulsion of the Crusaders to put an end to the "power to overcome" and "coups" and to confiscate the nation's political rights by reclaiming the rational model as a normative value that can not be bypassed or jumped Conditions and justifications.