The public prosecutor's office in Frankfurt am Main has filed a murder charge against a restaurateur, who in 2017 was at the center of a fabricated story about sexual assaults on immigrants on New Year's Eve.

Jan M. is said to have killed his 29-year-old business partner Irina A. out of greed, as the prosecution announced. In addition, the 51-year-old is accused of a violation of the weapons law and fraud against a long-standing business partner in the amount of 120,000 euros (more on the case read here).

At the beginning of 2017, M. and A. had told the "Bild" newspaper that on New Year's Eve there had been sexual assaults, assaults, thefts and extremely aggressive behavior "of masses of refugees" in the so-called Freßgass in Frankfurt. The story turned out to be a lie.

In November of 2017, the prosecutor brought charges against the wife and husband. In May 2018, the woman's body was found in a park in Frankfurt. The 29-year-old died according to police by several stab wounds. At the scene blood of the restaurateur was found, he was arrested.