It will remain as one of the most interesting moments of the 20th edition of the NRJ Music Awards, which took place Saturday night on TF1. On the stage of Cannes, David Hallyday interpreted his song "My last letter" which addresses directly to his father, Johnny, died a few months ago. A title that he already sings in concert but it was the first time that he proposed it on television.

Dialogue with his father has never been a simple thing for David Hallyday. Between the singer and his father star, life has not been a long calm river. And if inheritance issues are a painful moment, they do not erase the links between the two. Shortly after Johnny's death, Sylvie Vartan's son started writing to give birth to a song in tribute letter.

"My last letter," the song he wrote in memory of his father, who died December 5, 2017, has been part of his repertoire on stage for some months now. She will be part of her next album. David, who would have liked to be able to manage the artistic rights of his father after his death, addresses in this piece to the one who is not anymore.

The production of the NRJ Music Awards decided to pay tribute to Johnny. And who better than David to salute his memory in music. By performing for the first time on television " My last letter", David Hallyday also recalls that he had the chance to win a NRJ Music Award in 2000 for the Best Male Francophone Artist.

Album and clip to come

This song is addressed directly to his father. The clip, which will be released on November 13, will be signed Laura Smet, his sister. A family affair, then. In the conflict between the descendants, David Hallyday is relatively discreet. "My last letter is a song of love and transmission. It speaks of what we want to give to people we love before leaving, " he explained recently on France Info.

The next album of the artist will be particular, inevitably. "It's been 30 years since I released albums, you will say that there is nothing exceptional to come out another. But what really differs in this one is that I have lived things much more difficult. It is perhaps the most important of my personal life, of my artistic career " , confirms David Hallyday always on France Info.