He was perceived in German theater circles as an agent of gentrification - as director of the Volksbühne Chris Dercon resigned after massive protests in April. Now he has a new job:

As reported by Belgian and French media, Dercon has been appointed director of the Grand Palais in Paris. In the exhibition building built for the World Exhibition in 1900, the state museums of the French capital organize changing shows that are seen by around two million visitors a year. It is subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the country.

In Berlin Dercon was confronted from the beginning with reluctance and open hatred, since it became known in April 2015 that he should take over the Volksbühnenintendanz as a successor to Frank Castorf. Many experts thought it was wrong that Dercon, who previously worked as a museum chief in Rotterdam, Munich and London, was to become the head of an outstanding German-language theater.

Since Dercon's retreat, Klaus Dörr, who previously handled the program, heads the Volksbühne - his contract as interim president runs until 2020.