Bayerische Rundfunk awarded the Bavarian Cabaret Prize for the 20th time last Monday, broadcasting on Thursday on BR television. The winner of the anniversary award proclaimed for this occasion: the cartoonist Dieter Hanitzsch.

This only causes surprise, because Hanitzsch not just on the stage, but works with the pen. The reasoning on the website of the Bayerischer Rundfunk does not make it clear why the choice fell on him. To Hanitzsch appearances in persona is only to read, Hanitzsch enrich with his presence the weekly broadcast "Sunday Stammtisch".

Otherwise there is much talk of his drawings; Hanitzsch's style was unmistakable because of his lusty conciseness and humoristic sharpness. And: "To this day, his drawings, always marked by a clear attitude, appear in the Süddeutsche Zeitung."

However, Hanitzsch has not been working for the "Süddeutsche" since May. The editorial team split up after a caricature brought him the accusation of anti-Semitism: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could be seen on it, with bulging lips, big nose and huge ears. The drawing had led to discussions among Jewish associations, in other media and also within the "SZ" editorial office. Editor-in-chief Wolfgang Krach had apologized.

The turned-on German Press Council, however, did not complain about the drawing, he saw the limit to discrimination of Jews not exceeded. Writer and SPIEGEL ONLINE guest author Timur Vermes wrote in a comment that Hanitzsch was certainly not an anti-Semite, but his work was completely overrated. The cartoonist draws today for the Munich "Abendzeitung".

Hanitzsch has not apologized for his drawing, he emphasizes in an interview with Bayerischer Rundfunk on the occasion of the presentation of the Cabaret Prize. There Hanitzsch says: "And then I caricatured the Netanjahu, as one politician caricatures in this country too, that is, one does not make him more beautiful than he is a caricaturist is not a cosmetic surgeon, on the contrary, one makes him oversized ears, does that Nose bigger and draw his lips raised. "

The main winner of this year's cabaret award is "Extra3" moderator Christian Ehring, the honorary prize goes to Otto Waalkes.