Outside, it is not really bright and it is uncomfortable. It is the time of the winter solstice, when the dark season reaches its peak. This Friday is the shortest day with the longest night.

On the 21st of december this year is the calendrical beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere. The sun reaches the lowest midday elevation above the horizon. But the good news is: From now on it gets better, the days are getting longer again - and Google shows its users a wintry doodle at the new season.

Even if the white winter landscapes are still to come: On the occasion of this day, an animation instead of the Google logo can be seen on the start page. A lake is frozen, shrubs are iced and the first snowflakes fall.


Google Doodle on December 21, 2018

A doodle with the same landscape has been around once before this year - but in summery green.

The weather at Christmas is not as wintry as in the animation: it is mild and changeable. According to German Weather Service (DWD), it is cloudy on Christmas Eve and can give some rain showers. Snowfall is only in the Alps.

Historical weather data: What are the chances of a white Christmas?

The maximum values ​​are between two degrees in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and twelve degrees on the Upper Rhine.