On stage, a creation where two friends wonder about the war, the duty of memory, Friday, November 23, at Espace Saint-Jacques de Clisson, in the vineyards of Nantes.

A landmark event in our history: the historic chaos of the First World War. Millions of men are mobilized on the front. They are most often between 17 and 25 years old. They are bakers, pork-butchers, mailmen, workers, bourgeois ... They become civilians, soldiers of the reservists, bruises ... They suddenly become hairy.

In the back: women, loved. Many hairy girls write love letters to their fiancee. In these, the difficulty of saying, of telling, of testifying is recurrent.

The show Ech [a] os brings together two young friends: Anthony and Berenice. In the midst of the commemoration of the First World War, they question the meaning of the duty of memory, the commonalities between the conflicts of yesterday and today. What remains of this historical cultural heritage? This creation then questions the contemporary echo of this past chaos.

The collective Cholet Les Envolés brings together artisans of the show around the creation of artistic objects, mainly theatrical.

Friday, November 23, at 8:30 pm, at Espace Saint-Jacques, Clisson. Rates: 8 and 5 €. From 12 years old. Ticketing: www. city-clisson.fr/billetterie and cultural space from Leclerc to Clisson or Super U to Gétigné.