The children apparently complained of headaches, bruises and flushed cheeks: In a primary school in Forst, between Cottbus and the Polish border, the headmaster is said to have beaten students several times. The parents have reported the man, as the "Lausitzer Rundschau", the RBB and the "Märkische Oder newspaper" report.

The prosecution charges the headmaster 20 assaults on seven students from 2015 to 2017. He should have hit them on the back of the head, slapped them and pulled the ears. The indictment is already since May at the Cottbus district court.

The headmaster does not want to comment on the allegations, has himself, according to the Brandenburg Ministry of Education, however, to clarify the allegations, as the spokesman for the Ministry, Ralph Kotsch, the RBB confirmed.

Already last year, the ministry is said to have learned about the allegations and initiated investigations. Accordingly, the facts should be presented as very complex and have contradicted statements, as it is called by the Ministry of Education.

So far, however, no consequences have been made, as the director of the district court Cottbus, Michael Hoehr said the "Lausitzer Rundschau". According to information from the RBB, the headmaster is still on duty.