LONDON (Reuters) - Prince Harry and his wife Megan, who are waiting for a baby, will be arranged for a separate stay after sharing house arrangements with Harry's older brother Prince William and his wife Kate, the Buckingham Palace said. Harry and Megane, formally known as Duke and Duke of Sussex, shared the staff with William and Kate since their marriage in May last year. Queen Elizabeth now agreed to allow them independence within the palace this spring.

British newspapers have reported since the end of last year that there are differences between the royal four parties, Harry and Megan on the one hand, and William and Kate on the other, but there were no signs of such a dispute in public. The two princes and their wives seemed to be on the brink when the four came together on Commonwealth Day in London.

The change comes at a time when the royal family is waiting for Mouloud Megan I, the Queen's grandson this spring. Harry and his wife are also preparing to move from their residence at Kenzington Palace, where William and Kate are staying, to a new house on the grounds of Windsor Castle.