It was one of the most spectacular thefts of recent years: in 2015, a group of aged men with a diamond drill penetrated into the vault of a London depot firm and stole jewels worth 16 million euros. Now the last member of the gang of thieves has been sentenced to a ten-year prison term. This is reported by British media.

58-year-old Michael Seed was released long after the crime and was arrested in March 2018. Since he had disguised himself for the theft, an appraiser had to identify him by his gait.

On video footage of the crime scene was only a man with red wig and face mask to see. The reviewer identified Seed in the pictures but based on his limping walkway as the man on the video. In addition, the police had found in Seeds bedroom 933 items from the theft, including gold bars.

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London: The Coup in the Diamond Quarter

The case was one of the most notable thefts in English crime history. Six men in luminous vest had first drilled a hole in the wall of the vault of the diamond depot and subsequently plundered 73 lockers. They captured gold, jewelry and gems worth 13.7 million pounds (16 million euros).

Prior to Seed, nine people had already been convicted of jewel theft, with sentences ranging from 18 months to seven years. Two of the thieves were already over 70 years old at the time of the conviction.

Recently, the case of Terry Perkins had caused a stir. He died at the age of 69 with heart problems in prison. An answer to the question of where the prey from the burglary, he remained guilty until his death.