Red hands, brittle lips, scaly parts all over the body - our skin is literally tense in the cold season. Those who are particularly sensitive develop itching eczema and fight with torn spots. Especially atopic dermatitis plague in winter, the cold intensifies the symptoms. The range of creams and ointments is huge - but often ensures one thing above all else: helplessness in front of the drugstore shelf. How do I find the right care and why does winter affect our skin?

"The skin becomes drier in the cold months, because our natural skin barrier is unbalanced," says Esther von Stebut-Borschitz, Director of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology at the University Hospital Cologne. "This barrier prevents the ingress of foreign substances and microorganisms and ensures that we do not lose too much water." The constant change of dry heating air and cold eliminate this protective function.

It depends on the fat

"People who normally have unproblematic skin but are prone to dryness in winter should use a richer cream," says von Stebut-Borschitz. The purchase of new care products is often not necessary, adds pharmacist Thomas Benkert, Vice President of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists (BAK): "Who exchanges day cream and night cream, does a lot for the skin." For night creams usually contained more fat than the light creams, which in the winter, however, were well suited for the night.

Anyone who still wants to buy a new cream in winter, should pay attention to the label 'water-in-oil', advises Benkert. It is important, however, to remove the greasy cream again, if you are in a closed room for a long time. "Parents like to smear their kids out before going out," says Benkert. "If the greasy cream stays on the skin for a long time even in warm rooms, children can literally overheat."

Protection for lips and hands

And what helps against dry lips? Dermatologist Stebut-Borschitz advises to moisten the lips as rarely as possible. "This only relieves the feeling of tightness for a short time, but in the long term the skin becomes even drier." Grease sticks with the inscription 'For very dry lips' are well suited. "The active substance dexpanthenol has also proven itself," says Thomas Benkert. "It increases the elasticity of the skin."

Not only the face, but also the hands become more sensitive in the winter time. "When washing your hands we wash away valuable fat", says Benkert. However, because hand hygiene is particularly important for protection against pathogens, it recommends that you wash frequently, but always cream your hands afterwards.

Daily shower allowed

In addition to proper care cream, even minor precautions can help protect the skin in winter. "Even people with skin problems may shower, contrary to popular belief in winter every day," says von Stebut-Borschitz. But not too hot and not too long. "Otherwise, a kind of frying pan effect will be created and the fat will be released from the skin," explains the dermatologist.

Regular showering even has one advantage: the moist skin is then particularly receptive to care products. Already during the shower, moisturizing lotions are suitable. Then you should only pat dry the skin with a towel and do not rub off.

More care for atopic dermatitis and psoriasis

For people with eczema and psoriasis small everyday changes are often not enough to protect the skin even in the cold season. To counteract this, it is important to keep the skin constant, says Esther von Stebut-Borschitz. Patients usually used a basic care every day anyway. In winter, they should switch to a product labeled "For very dry skin".


DefensesWhat's a healthy winter?

How do I find the perfect cream?

"I often experience patients who have a whole jute bag full of products and do not know how to find the perfect cream," says von Stebut-Borschitz. She advises to be rehearsed and try them out in peace. "It's best to apply a new cream in the elbow and repeat this for two to three days."

People with psoriasis should use creams with the moisturizing factor urea (urea); as well as neurodermatitis, which also benefited from the active ingredient glycerol - so also recommend the guidelines, which are based on doctors in the treatment of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Only in babies should no urea-containing cream be used.