Jeffrey Dorsey of the United States Naval Forces commented on the finding of the USS Fort McHenry in the Black Sea: “We regularly work in the Black Sea in accordance with international law and the Montreux Convention (on the status of the straits of 1936) and will continue to do so.” As Dorsey added, the warship headed for the Black Sea according to a set plan.

And this plan clearly does not fit with the intention of the American President Donald Trump to end all the insolvent military adventures of previous administrations and no longer act at a loss: "Endless wars, especially those conducted because of erroneous decisions taken many years ago, and those in which we receive insufficient financial or military assistance from rich countries ... eventually they will be finished! ”he wrote on Twitter, which became the main mouthpiece of the current American president.

All this makes you think that there are at least two “fixed plans”. One plan is for the current American president, another is for the opposing globalists in the American elites. They seem willing to do anything to get rid of their ideological opponent, the anti-globalization president, in first place in the United States. They are ready for any provocations, even beating on the interests of America itself, which is above all for Trump, and for globalists only a sponsor of promoting the interests of globalization throughout the world. It is from these positions that the current presence of the American landing ship of the US Navy in the Black Sea is worth considering.

What are the globalists who are still extremely influential in the American elites? Trying to morally support their allies in the region. Who is it? Turkey, in which exactly the globalists of the “deep state” organized a coup in July 2016 and almost killed President Erdogan with an air strike from an airplane that took off from the Turkish base Inzherlik? Obviously, no, because since then it has been Turkey that is making every effort to get rid of the obsessive US presence in the region. Yes, while a member of NATO. But there is nothing more temporary than the seemingly unshakable and permanent. In addition, NATO itself has already been questioned more than once by Trump.

Maybe an American landing ship is very necessary for Bulgaria and Romania? For example, do they sleep and see a clumsy American landing force land on their coast, manually pushing American sluggish Hummers in coastal sands? They say, "what you are worth, look, you do not see, help has come, but they took it, they pounced." Such a dream except in a nightmare after drinking Bulgarian rakia or Romanian tsuki. The only person who might like this is the globalist networks in the elites of these states. Romanian, for example, have already offered the American ship to swim together. They call this "joint exercises in the territorial waters of Romania and the international waters of the Black Sea."

Who is really waiting for support from the American globalist brothers is the current elites of Georgia who swore to the globalist project, the new president of which is already cursing Russia with all its directness of women, and Ukraine, which is ready to freeze the latter for evil.

And if the Americans do nothing at all in Georgia (which they did not see in Georgia, a shabby American state), then why not look at the “scows full of mullet” in Odessa? To cheer up, as they say, their smaller brothers, because they are responsible for those whom they tamed.

And suddenly, what the hell is not joking, it will provoke the Russians into aggressive actions — that's when Trump will dance, and we told him: Americans and the plight of their own state. " Well, it is, dream ...

Why sent only one ship? Well, I'm sorry, it didn't work out anymore. First, to send more, you need coordination with a damned antiglobalist, an obsessed patriot of America and an incurable pragmatist Trump, and this is anreal, as we say in America. And secondly, according to the Montreux Convention, already mentioned by Jeffrey Dorsey of the Convention, this is not so easy to do. In addition, see above, Turkey is far from delighted: one careless movement of the clumsy American vessel is that they will really leave NATO, then there will be no time for jokes.

According to the Montreux Convention, non-Black Sea states have restrictions on the passage of vessels through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits in terms of quantity, tonnage and length of stay. It used to be, under the global presidents of the United States were a major "Black Sea power", not like now. You can, of course, pretend to be Bulgarians or Romanians, but this is somehow small, the scale is not the one that is clearly not globalistic, which claims to world domination. “Just one boat. Little. Landing. No, that you, no troops, no one is going to land. So, go for a ride - and back. We are very welcome in Ukraine. Well, moozhno? "

To whom such a mischievous prank with an American ship in the Black Sea is absolutely unprofitable is for President Donald Trump. He doesn’t need new conflicts at all - he doesn’t know what to do with the old ones. He would settle the problems with Turkey after the idiotic attempts of the previous globalist administration to overthrow Recep Erdogan by a military coup. He still, despite the machinations of opponents within the United States, is trying to "get on with Russia", and the American ship in the Black Sea is clearly not conducive to this. And he doesn’t care about such states as Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and this one, like her, Georgia, the location of which, with the exception of the latter, he clearly represents with difficulty.

Trump no longer wants US military adventures at the expense of the United States around the world. Especially those "in which we receive insufficient financial or military assistance from rich countries." While we are looking for rich countries in the Black Sea region, globalists are not appealing, and they climb out of their skin to somehow humiliate or, better, substitute the hated President “patriotism of America for Americans”. What does Trump and the American majority think about this? Most likely, something from the series "roll you to hell with your global adventures." And very soon we will hear it. Or read. Follow the main US blogger.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.