In the month of Rabie I, the Muslims are concerned with the study of the noble biography and the noble qualities of the master of existence and the honor of every child of our master Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib, peace be upon him and his family and companions;

"Weak curriculum

Educational and busy

People made their physical life

Many of them do not know what

He must know it from

The conditions of Prophet peace be upon him

Peace be upon him ».

On the occasion of the anniversary of his birth in this holy month; because history imposes itself on the event whatever, as the words of God indicate: (and remind them of the days of God), days of grace and revenge, and there is no event known to mankind and the whole universe from the event of the birth of the Prophet Peace be upon him, because he is the master of Adam's generation, and because he is the best of the apostles, and his book is the best of books, the only book that Allah has given himself, and he has made it a surviving miracle for His Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. And handed over, to other virtues that do not Nahi, it was necessary for Muslims to have sufficient attention to the biography of their Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him in terms of descent and birth and what God revealed from the verses then, and in terms of its inception and mission and mission, and in terms of qualities and characteristics and virtues and miracles, and in terms of his position at God and when created , And his home in Paradise and the pre-eminence of the sanctuary and Almorod basin and so on, and all these things that should not be ignored by Muslims, because the negligence of this means not to know his religion and the Prophet who follows in every small and large order of religion and religion, as ordered God Almighty, so it was necessary for each Muslim to be And how he was generous with creation and how he was a great creation in his religion and his religion, and with those who know and those who do not know, and in peace, war, hardship, ease, good and bad. , And how he was loving the whole universe and peace for him, and how he was dealing in his house and selling and buying it and travel and attended, and how he communicated the message of his Lord easily and mercy and compassion, and how he was severe in his religion and what God ordered him, and away from what God forbade him .. It contains the aromatic biography and its great qualities, which are part of its year, from which it receives Shari'a and extracts It is the duty to read this great biography in this month, especially with the duty to be his biography and his qualities present in the mind of the Muslim at all times, but the weakness of educational curricula and the preoccupation of people with their physical life made many of them not He knows what he should know from the conditions of his Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), until he ascends to the highest level in love, which is the standard of faith and the evidence of his steadfastness, which is the greatest reason for winning the bliss of the world and the Hereafter. Except for magnanimity and love, was necessary Every Muslim should have this great biography of the Prophet as a cornerstone of his Islamic culture, so that he may be Muhammad in word and deed, a religion and a creation, and this is the case of the predecessor. None of them was ignorant of the Prophet's condition; They have received the Sura from the Koran, and therefore the books of the hadith are all with long sections in the Shamali and Maghazi and the path and the method of call and way of guidance, so Astasoa in their behavior and call them, they opened the country of God, the vast ethics of their prophet and represent them for his career, people entered Islam in groups, and the fighting was only those who fought and repel On the religion of God and prevent People of the light that was revealed by God to guide his creation, even if the fighting is the basis of the call as the claimants claim is left on the island and in the land of Islam and not a Jew and a Christian and no Magusi and others who lived in the confines of Muslims safe on their religion and customs, what we need to know his biography And the ethics of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

«Chief Inspector of the Department of Ifta in Dubai»

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