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I do not remember on any particular day the date of that program, but what I remember well is our meeting as members of the family and around the television, waiting for the start of the program, the beginning of the program was a deep building coming from afar, then ascends and takes you to the upper spaces, as if it tells you about the universe and its origin and what Secrets and wonders, was the introduction of the program is another program, and then shows Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud, who enters the speech directly without introductions, quiet tone, and Khashua all of us as we watch this program.

It was the characteristic of the age at that time, the doctor spoke in everything, and his goal was clear is to meditate in this universe, and to think in his wonders, the realization of the mind and put it in place, and then work on it, after the end of his words comes the role of the video accompanied by comments Dr. We are following all this with astonishment and great surprise. Such videos were nothing available at that time. There was no YouTube, no short videos on Facebook, or specialized channels in documentaries looking at this great universe.

The program began in 1971 and continued until 1997 until we dug in our conscience and our minds are still engraved. Today, for us, the program was also strange. I remember once, but sometimes, when we were sitting with my brothers, we were talking. One of my brothers told me: One left Islam and then returned again, and again it was said: This man has gone, the man of us if deep in science at the moment turns into a crazy person, so we saw. As if these words contain within them the fear of what we see as strange, or in a simpler statement as is always said human enemy is ignorant, and whether the human depth in science becomes his faith fragile or may be defied, and whether there is a hair between science and genius.

The program is the natural evolution of the great program, which was broadcast by the great Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud, and if Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud alive to admire the young man the owner of the program

In these months, one of the distinguished young people appeared, with a new innovative program called the correct one, and the label of the program is a name that is close to all of us. When we were in school, we used the word "Dahd" or " It is not the language of the bastard, but is undoubtedly the daughter of the classical language developed and influenced by many other factors, I went to the dictionary to find the substance of Dahh, says in the Sahih: the thing in the ground, if you set it. And his stomach was exhilarating: it widened. Arabi said: Materna for the two nights remained and the ground shook the ground.

However, the show is a new show that is not innovative, because the feature of the age in which we are so, but very attractive, the subjects dealt with by the correct are attractive scientific subjects Strange is not popular with people, or famous but accompanied by a misconception or at least for the presenter is an understanding worthy of the owner to review again.

We are now in an era of speed and light information, cute and attractive and attractive, and has alerted to this young Ahmed Ghandour, he is the son of this generation generation of speed, there is no Nay Kanay Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud, which lasts about five minutes, the five minutes is almost the whole program, The music of the program is also a quick music and a hook, helping the viewer to keep him cool and attractive to what is presented in front of him, while the Lt. Col. himself, Especially in the blue world Named Balvispock, Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud program has been alone in the field at the time, and was a pioneer, but he is Aldhih amid fierce competitors.

If a person sees something that tends to pass judgment on him quickly, this judgment of man is for him a result that closes the way in front of his mind and thinking, so he does not exhaust himself in thinking about this, and does not tire himself, but if he sees it say good or bad and ends It is a matter of few people who are hesitant about passing judgment and thinking, adding to the above that our societies, though full of the above, are accompanied by mistrust, and misgivings also lead to contempt and diminution in front of us. In fact, this is beautiful and delicious. If a person is committed to a religious conservative, for example, and one feels that he is not committed to something like that Committed to him, within him wonder and pride in himself, as seen from the front with a look of contempt and reduction, because he did not adhere to what he committed to it.

We go back to the correct, has become around the program some of the lamentations and accusations based on quasi-thought, I admit as many people recognize that the program is a useful and attractive program for me, did not arrogance of the human to what he does not know ?! What should be understood by our followers before anyone is that religion is not so fragile, that science is not against religion in any case, that science is limitless, that religion commands science, and that the doctor you go to reveals it to you And gives you the right medicine without mentioning a verse or a speech, he did what he and what he says religion, as well as the person who searches in physics or chemistry in search of free without entering the matters of jurisprudence or religious, has also done what it must in religion, Think of anyone when he speaks in science, to show him the quick rule, is he a disbeliever or a punk or believer, this is not religion, and why To the rule of the foundation, the man gives us new information for us, purifies something useful to our ears, so why I reject this information just because I am not aware, this is not religion.

The specialization is one of the pillars of any renaissance that occurs to the nations. Objectivity is also fundamental. If there is a sports man who talks about pure sports and explains to us, we do not know anything about pure sports, we can only admit that we are ignorant of this. A word here or there and misunderstood this word is not good morals. We must understand that if we want to change a bit of the deep lethargy in which we are as a society, we should encourage the scientific research movement and call for the realization of the mind rather than the druch.

I do not say that what the young man says in his whole program is true, and I do not say that it is all wrong, but I say that if we want to criticize the program, then the criticism must be scientific, and the young man is keen to transmit the viewer to references and sources so that he knows where to take his information, The language of the young man is not an assertive language; it is a language that is somewhat comfortable. It means thinking again, hoping for what you live. Look in the world around you. Do not listen or believe what you are told is one of the goals. In conclusion, I believe that the program is the natural evolution of the great program that was broadcast by the great Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud, even if Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud alive to admire the young man, the owner of the program, and his arrogance and his methods and information, I do not forget to mention that we went against Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud, Error also.