News from the island

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  • After calling for dialogue .. Rabat awaits the echo of Algeria
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When Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's star appeared at the beginning, he was marked by all the best people, including the prince of poets Ahmed Shawki, who marked his good, and his thought of Islam again, Vdahh poem great, beginning:

God is the greatest in the conquest of wonder
Khaled al - Turk renewed Khaled Arabs

Aziz 's peace on a victorious war
The sword is in its sheath and the right to the monument


The war of the Salahites in a time
Fighting is without law or literature

Your sword has not come, and you have not laughed
You are the sanctity of monks and steel

And then presented in the same poem to the Treaty "Lausanne" famous and was also seen in the peace and good, and it seems that the systems of the poem was not yet held, but was in the process of preparation, he praises and praises the patience of the Turks:

Turkey was prepared to meet the peace
And the sword was laid in Lausanne for the speeches

So tell the sons of the words of the corner of the kingdom
On the battalions the king is built, not the books

To leave the hours of patience on their plight
They wrote in the newspapers of ethics in gold

Ahmed Shawqi described in his poem how he managed to vanity from President Mustafa Kemal, likened to the one who managed to drink alcohol until it was eliminated, and described how the people exaggerated the limit of the goddess

Then the Treaty of Lausanne was concluded, the Ottoman Islamic Caliphate was destroyed, the Republic of Turkey was declared, Islam was abolished as a state religion, and the secular state was replaced. The Sultan and all the Osmanis were expelled from the country by order of Mustafa Kemal. And replaced by the hat, and a lot of changes that shocked Shawki Vkad lose his heart from the bottom of the matter, which caused him to explode with his famous patrons in the Ottoman caliphate, which came at the beginning:

Mins and minarets were on you
And I cried to you kingdoms and loaves

India and God, sad Egypt
Crying on you with a tearful

Sham asks Iraq and Persia
Clear from the land of the caliphate of Mahah?

Then he said that what happened to the Ottoman caliphate was one of its people before others, and he wanted to help Mustafa Kemal and agreed to demolish it, he said:

Those who took your wounds war
You killed them without wounds

Thou shalt smite their solace with their hands
Mshia talent talents

They removed the necks of a good necklace
And they turned away the best scarf

He then blamed himself and insulted the praise of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who hit the Islamic world and his poet Shawki very disappointed, he said:

Mali has longed to blame, and long
His old image of my praise

It is the corner of a kingdom and a state
And Qurei, Shahba, and the ram,

I say who revived the group atheist?
And I say of the reproductive rights?

The right of the first of your guardian sanctity
You are entitled to victory and struggle

Praise the right men, and the important
Or, you have the position of advice

We do not deny Ataturk's war championship and he is a self-made man who rises to the top of nothing, but in return everyone must admit that he bowed to the West and was unfortunately a ride to them through which they reached their interests

communication Web-sites

Then he described how the vanity of President Mustafa Kemal, likened him to the one who managed to drink alcohol until he ruled it, and described how the people exaggerated the limit of God, he said:

The vanity watered the President comfortably
How is your consumption in the fast?

I left him as the deified ghost of a nation
Have not yet received the worship of ghosts !

At the end of the poem, Shawki explained how the colonialist countries supported Mustafa Kemal and stood by him until the Islamic caliphate was overthrown, which contradicts the claim of many historians who claimed that Mustafa was never subject to the English or others.

They released his hand as a Caesar in them
Even eating all is not permissible !

He was consumed by the obedience of the multitude and the state
Black found her comfortable hue

Yesterday Muslim Muslims were surgery
Today they extend the hand of the surgeon !

At the end of this great disappointment, this historic pain .. This is the prince of your poets tells you the historical facts as happened, and witnessed by himself, and lived the Ottoman caliphate for a long time, was a poet and historian and genius, God's mercy, take it, We do not deny the Ataturk War Championship and that he is a self-made man who stands up to nothing. But on the other hand, everyone must admit that he has bowed to the West and unfortunately he has traveled to their interests and torn us militarily, economically, politically, scientifically and morally. They told us to meet They have succeeded and reached what they wanted, and I do not hold Ataturk all this of course .. But I bring him the most!