During the search of a fast food and several apartments in the Baden-Württemberg Oberkirch, the police discovered large amounts of narcotic drugs. The officials also found a four-digit cash amount as well as substances for the production of drugs.

A suspect is the 35-year-old owner of the snack. He is already in custody on suspicion of drug trafficking.

The man is said to have delivered narcotic drugs in warming boxes and pizza boxes to his customers, the police said. He also allegedly made drugs in his home, including amphetamines.

According to police, a group of suspects from the Oberkirch area, who are said to have traded in marijuana, was found in May 2018. At that time, more than 4.5 kilograms of the drug and smaller amounts of cocaine were seized.

One of the alleged perpetrators in this case has since been detained, the trial will begin on 4 February in the district court of Offenburg. The investigation revealed evidence of drug traffickers, including the now-arrested food taker, the police said.