Four yellow vests were invited to speak Tuesday night on the plateau of Touche not at my post. They believe they are censored by the media and social networks, claim to be pacifist but also demand "the dismissal" of Emmanuel Macron ...

Monday, at the exit of the studio of Touche not at my post, Cyril Hanouna was picked by yellow vests. They asked him if they could use his show to push their "rant" . The host accepted and received them on his plate Tuesday night.

Called by a #GiletsJaunes delegation Monday night, @Cyrilhanouna will let them speak live tonight in #TPMP. RDV from 19h05 on @ C8TV

- TPMP (@TPMP) November 20, 2018

"Cyril does a lot of ratings. That's why we came here, " explains Maxime, interim. He is accompanied by Idir, computer scientist; Adel, rail supervisor and Jean-Claude, VTC.

Against the media and social networks

Wearing their fluo chasubles, they assure that the media "show the opposite of what is happening on the ground" , that the Yellow Vests were not 270 000 Saturday but "2 or 3 million" , that they are censored on social networks and that the prefectures issued them "zero authorization" , "which endangers," they say, the protesters.

As background noise, we hear TPMP reporter Christine Kelly recalling that the media "are not against" the yellow vests, but that they are doing their job.

The "good" and the "bad" yellow vests

Maxime also says that we mix "bad" and "good" yellow vests, those who break cars and those who are tired of paying too much. Many people in the audience applaud it. Cyril Hanouna assures that he supports them, that he wants to be their "spokesperson" and that he hopes that the discussion will end with the government.

But when Maxime launches that they want outright the "impeachment of the President" , the star host of C8 dissociates. "You can not say that. It's something that will discredit the movement, " he replies.

The #Yellowjackets call for the removal of the president @EmmanuelMacron #TPMP

- TPMP (@TPMP) November 20, 2018

The columnist Géraldine Maillet reminds them that Emmanuel Macron was elected by the French by universal suffrage. "We, the people, feel that he is not doing his job, so assault Adel. If he is not able to do his job ... " " Not able, according to you, " retorts the columnist.

"The government works in your direction," says Hanouna

Throughout the show, Cyril Hanouna says he supports the Yellow Vests and finally launches this incredible sentence: "I have information, I know that the government works in your direction . "

It is finally Idir who concludes the sequence. He offers to have a thought for the woman who died in one of the demonstrations. And admits: "We may not be doing everything right, but we are fighting for all of you, for France. We are pacifists .

"Fake news," says Mounir Mahjoubi

The show made react. This Wednesday morning, Mounir Mahjoubi, Secretary of State for Digital declared to our colleagues of the Opinion: "Yesterday, I listened Cyril Hanouna in Touch not to my post! He invited several yellow vests including one who spent the entire show constantly telling lies, real fake news, denouncing a state conspiracy against yellow vests! [...] And it has not been contradicted by anyone, at any time! That means we can go today with a yellow vest and tell anything about all the antennas and that is unacceptable! "

See the replay of the show.