A 7-year-old Indian girl told her father to arrest him after he broke a promise to build a toilet in their home, police said.

There is no sanitation available to millions of Indians and defecation in open spaces is problematic even in advanced industrial states.

He said er. Valarmathi police officer The girl called E. Hanifa Zara does not want to spend her time outdoors and got a promise from her father to build a toilet inside the house.

He added that when the father did not execute his promise I went to the police to file a complaint.

"The girl insisted on arresting her father because she felt she was cheated," Valarmathi said. "We called her father and called him to the police station and persuaded them to shake hands and reach a compromise."

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government is leading a campaign to build 100 million latrines in five years but the campaign has not covered much of the country.

The father told The Times of India that he had asked for help twice from the municipality under the "Clean India" campaign but received no response.