The noble Islamism calls for one to rely on himself in all his affairs and not to be a burden on others, as al-Taghrai said (v. 513):

But the man of the world and one * who does not count in this world on a man

The same day, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was Saad ibn al-Rabee '(may Allaah be pleased with him) And the supporters of the house and the plant and the supplication, may Allah be pleased with them all, Abdulrahman Al-Mahajiri, who came poor and does not know the country, did not rely on that great profitability of Saad ibn al-Rabee, who offered him share his money, but the nose of dependency, and said his famous saying « The market », God bless its impact when he knew the truth of his intention to mourn himself and honor my brother . Okay! What do you want, Abdul Rahman, from the market, and you have no capital, and you have no experience in trade in the city, nor knowledge of its people and the conditions of its traders - has been the interests of traders, the Jews, and the most famous markets, and have the most prominent industries? Yes, he does not know all of this, but he knows that whoever finds it, and who sowed, knows that if he takes the reasons, he will not be disappointed. He knows that the reason he will take is not the same, and that he will honor him. The Prophet came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: "I have married a woman to the weight of a nucleus of gold." He said, "May God bless you." , Even if a sheep », and became the owner of gold, who earned it auspicious, a trade in which the nine tenths of livelihood, as reported, and that is the secret of the Prophet, peace be upon him Les him, blessed him his marriage, and bestowed blessing!

And so he continued to trade, until he became one of the city's top merchants, who benefited civil society a lot and the Islamic call more, and like Abdul Rahman Katheer, everyone who knew and known for richness, wealth and tender old and new, are self-made, built themselves from the ground up to their building and much better.

Hence, we recognize the importance of taking the reasons, with the good intention that God bless its effect, and the man turns to the best and best of them, God Almighty when he thought his slave, let him think what he wanted, but taking serious reasons, which is against disability and dependency, It was narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Do not take it seriously and trust".

And I like what narrated from the popular that he passed by the camel has been scabies scabies: he said to her: "What do you cure? He said: "We have an old woman to trust in her prayer!" And he said, "I will make with its supplication something of tar."

Thus the forefathers understood trust, that the results do not appear without work.

This is what the wise leadership of its people wants; to take the causes of wealth and pride, relying on self and trust in God Almighty.

The pattern of dependence on employment and regular salary, if any, does not meet the needs of all people because jobs are limited and people's needs are endless. The public or private sector does not need all the outputs of education. , And this is the case in every era and Egypt, people must take the law Abdulrahman bin Auf, may Allah be pleased with him «Deli on the market», and especially the state, sponsored by God, establish generations of innovative industry, and create a firm and steadfast, let us benefit from this generous approach, and this empowerment To be every human being's own son, and as the prophet said:

The same as Essam Sudat Asma

And taught him the curses and the sacrifices

And became a hero Hammam

Even above and beyond the strengths

God bless in efforts, and achieved for each person the intended.

«Chief Inspector of the Department of Ifta in Dubai»

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