The Munich public prosecutor investigates several men who are suspected of having raped a teenager. A spokesman for the agency said several suspects are being remanded in custody. However, in order not to jeopardize the ongoing investigation, he did not want to give any details.

"We fear that the testimony of witnesses could be distorted when media witnesses learn details of the alleged act," the spokesman said. As the SPIEGEL learned, the investigators want to hear today and in the coming week still important witnesses. However, several Bavarian media have already reported in detail on details of the act.

A spokeswoman for the Munich police confirmed that in the course of the investigation in the fall of five non-German suspects have been arrested, who are since in custody. They are according to information of SPIEGEL between 20 and 25 years old.

According to consensus reports, the police are currently looking for a sixth suspect. All suspects are said to have come from Afghanistan. According to "Bayerischer Rundfunk" young men are recognized as asylum seekers.

Suspects between 20 and 25 years old

According to "Bayerischer Rundfunk" (BR), the girl is said to have been raped on different days by individual men. As the SPIEGEL learned from investigators, the police do not assume that it is a gang rape.

Suspected crime scenes should have been according to current knowledge apartments in Munich. However, the adolescents were apparently not detained there. The accused men either said nothing or said that sexual intercourse with the adolescent had been consensual, according to "BR" information in the interrogations.

The adolescents currently live in a supervised youth center, it was said by investigators. The police are currently reviewing the credibility of the alleged victim.