News from the island

  • The collapse of the center .. Why do populist movements around the world win?
  • Martyrs, including a Qassam commander tried occupation kidnapped in Gaza
  • Confidence in the resistance and a challenge to the occupation .. Normal movement in the markets and streets of Gaza
  • Big changes are happening .. Are the Arabs coming to new revolutions?
  • Athletes of Iraq retirees .. From the makers of joy to the suffering owners

Recently, in Morocco, a train deviated from its plot to leave behind a tragic accident that took lives and caused tremendous physical and psychological trauma to those who survived. The disaster has been solved, and a new tragedy has been added to a black record in which its predecessors have been added to enrich the list of death flavors that have been forming in Zain countries.

Many accidents followed, including death burning to translate the sense of injustice, a scramble for a handful of flour .. Drowning on the attempt to escape to the opposite bank .. Killed as a result of laxity and lack of security .. Suicide to express discontent .. Neglect in hospitals or streets .. A drop of Buildings or suffocation in mines .. Torn or beaten. In the wake of accidents or recklessness .. in land or in the sea .. In the form of individual or collective .. differed in appearance and similar on many levels, so that it has become a series of recurring stages systematically does not change.

Dealing with the victims of various events is about to be as cold as if they were honored by burying their bodies, as if they were becoming more important as bodies rather than alive.

From time to time, something terrible happens and shakes public opinion, creating a fuss that breaks the routine of daily life. It shocks and angers people, protesting, even with modesty, raising accusations and questioning the facts. In light of the escalation, it sometimes happens that "responsible" bodies respond to the threat of opening investigations into the issues concerned, whose results are never known, blurred and forgotten. Forget the "officials" and forget the people, burying people, burying investigations and burying demands. Then new events take place. The circumstances change and the characters change. But the tragic fate does not change. The dramatic endings remain the same.

It is not just because the people have a very short memory similar to that of the fly, make it forget quickly and experience the same experiences and repeat the same reactions and approach the same methods and fall in the same traps .. Even more, because it resembles a fly in the fighting behavior, He tries hard to maintain his survival, sometimes absurdly and for nothing, without lofty goals or ambition, as a small, weak creature, who lives on the remains, does not ask for much and can easily satisfy his needs. Flies are types, and people are layers, each with its own characteristics and spaces; not all flies are the same degree of desolation, and this is a similar aspect.

The worst aspect of this analogy is the fact that the fly, of all kinds, and ultimately, remains just a mean insect, its death means nothing, we do not cry for its loss, and we do not mourn its departure. And dealing with the victims of various events is about to be as cold as if they were honored to bury their bodies, to appear to be more important as dead bodies than alive. The spirit of man is sacred, and it is assumed that the death of every individual is a calamity, which requires that the world be built on it and do not sit down if it is lost by mistake and went to a dam, let alone the matter of negligence or negligence or intent, or it is associated with a tragedy that carried the spirits in bulk. , Is very different and unfortunate.

To witness the departure of his sons in tragic forms without making a difference, they fall simply as flies fell after receiving light strikes or hit something trying to search for an escape. Before we even talk about death, the mere sensation that their lives are very similar to the life of flies is shameful; those who recently went out to the streets chanted "death and humiliation"; a motto that does not fit the living of flies that lives in humiliation, before he dies. His choice in the subject has no power to change him.

However, there is a positive aspect in our perception of the people as flies and should not be overlooked. This is reflected in the damage that a small fly can attach to it. If it continues to circulate around its goal, tirelessly and tirelessly, it will contaminate the place where it is located and carry some filth to make it look disgusting. Hovering here and there .. licking this and that .. Humming and buzzing without stopping, which means that if it was inevitable that people live like flies, he may choose to at least, to stick to a wall in silence waiting for its end, or be flies troublesome, courageous or stupid I do not know, it is important that it leaves an impact before death, and takes a position after humiliation.