After her furious intervention at a carnival meeting in Cologne, the Weimar tax consultant Gabriele Möller-Hasenbeck has received invitations from strangers to Düsseldorf - the competitive carnival stronghold. "All over the Internet," Möller-Hasenbeck said. Previously, she had also received negative comments both on the internet and by letter. "Stay in Weimar and never come back to Cologne" or "Do not let yourself be seen in Cologne" had been in writing, the unknown had addressed to them.

Scene cut out

The Weimarerin was stormed at a carnival meeting in the Cologne venue Gürzenich on the stage when the comedian Bernd Stelter in connection with the new CDU chief Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer blasphemed double names.

"Men's names are always great - and women's names are always shit, and double names are double shit," she had commented on his jokes. The incident had a huge echo in social networks with the hashtag #steltergate in the past few days.

However, the show "Carnival in Cologne", which will be shown on Rosenmontag at 8.15 pm in the first one, will not contain the corresponding scene, as the WDR announced.