Almost two weeks after the devastation caused by cyclone "Idai", the first people in Mozambique are suffering from cholera. So far, five cases have been confirmed, said a representative of the Ministry of Health on Wednesday. Accordingly, the patients come from the largely destroyed port city Beira and the adjacent areas.

"Idai" crossed Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi on March 15, causing devastating floods accompanied by torrential rains. In Mozambique and Zimbabwe died according to official figures more than 700 people, the actual number is likely to be significantly higher, according to helpers.

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it would bring 900,000 vaccine doses against cholera to Mozambique. Three treatment centers were set up in Beira, the WHO director in Mozambique said on Tuesday. Cholera is a serious diarrheal disease caused by bacteria. Contaminated water is one of the main causes.

Also threat of malaria and typhoid fever

In view of the lack of drinking water and the poor sanitary situation in the disaster areas, experts fear not only cholera but also typhoid fever. Mosquitoes that transmit malaria can also multiply extremely quickly in the water that stands everywhere. Helpers have already reported an increase in cases.

In order to improve the drinking water supply, the German Technical Relief Agency (THW) is currently working on commissioning two water treatment plants in Beira. The helpers are currently testing the quality of the water, the THW said. The plants can process up to 10,000 liters of water per hour.

In total, the cyclone flooded more than 3,100 square kilometers, according to the World Food Program (WFP). Thus, the disaster affects around three million people; around 500,000 of them have lost their homes. In Mozambique alone, storms and floods destroyed the crop on 400,000 hectares of land.