After the death of an eleven-year-old girl in Berlin, the Kriminalpolizei investigates. An autopsy has been suggested, a spokesman said on Sunday. The day before it had become known that the pupil from Reinickendorf had died. She had, according to a report of the "Tagesspiegel" a few days ago possibly made a suicide attempt for bullying at her school.

The girl died later in the hospital. Parents' representatives accuse the school of not taking bullying and violence seriously enough. The headmistress denies this. For the suicide attempt of the girl and the background, there is no official confirmation.

On Saturday evening, according to media reports, around 150 people had come to a vigil outside the school. Earlier, Berlin's Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) announced a comprehensive investigation of the case. Education Senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD) told the Tagesspiegel: "I take all allegations very seriously, and we will deal with the case like other bereavements."

The police have announced further information for Monday.

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