In the district of Emsland in Lower Saxony, a car driver drove into a group of young people on Saturday evening and injured eight of them, two of them life-threatening.

According to police, the group - around 25 people aged 18 to 26 years - was traveling with two wagons and ran on the street. There are no pedestrian or cycle paths on the section. The group was at Boßeln, a kind of road bowling, which is played in winter, especially in northern Germany on quiet roads.

The 27-year-old had apparently not seen the group on the narrow and poorly lit street near Breddenberg, the police said on Sunday. "It all looks like an accident, there are no indications of a deliberate behavior of the driver."

In addition to the two critically injured, two more victims suffered serious injuries. Four people got away with lighter injuries.

In total, five ambulances and two ambulances were in action at the scene of the accident. The driver was taken to hospital with a shock. Alcohol had the 27-year-old apparently not drink, a corresponding test was negative.