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It was possible to have great dreams and ambitions, beyond what is common, to achieve the things that make one feel that he has reached what he was interested in. It was also possible to find a way to achieve his dreams, if realistic, and strive for it, But the reality is that most of the people in our Moroccan society do not think about this logic. The reality of the case confirms that the overwhelming majority have no dreams and aspirations, but what seems to be limited. A good example of this is related to females, because the ceiling of their dreams is no more than marriage. It can relieve them of the futility of life, if they do not do the opposite.

This is how the majority of females think in a society where the negatives are rooted in many aspects. The most prominent of which is the subject, which I have tried to learn from my observations and realistic, about the limited ambition of many girls. These girls are no longer tied to a goal they can achieve, And most of them may wish to have a partner who is associated with them in the name of law and religion, and for that they can allow them to study and withdraw from their work, and here it is clear that we live in a society that accumulates on it. Sadly, it is regrettable that it comes to light N dream and ambition does not exceed marriage.

Girls in Moroccan society have been subjected to a series of restrictions and people, and this has contributed to the fact that they view themselves as forced to submit

Moroccan society is drawn to the mindset of freedom from the past in order to keep pace with the world, and the legacies of what seeks to restore the glories of the past, and perhaps the mentalities that have dreams of what the owner can achieve himself deserve to exist as much as possible in the reality that believes in human worth, but The mentalities that do not believe in this human being, and which link their lives to things that transcend a certain extent, and which link their lives to people instead of goals, and which do not see self-realization as possible, these mentalities must be fought as much as possible.

Because it is not suitable for what humanity seeks, human beings are widely seeking to believe in man as an individual, without being subject to any person or constraint, and for that must build a person who believes in his abilities and ability to achieve himself, and this is the person who can be optimistic about good in a society that regains nostalgia To the past, and it can be said that this past is undoubtedly the reason for the existence of categories that have ambitions and dreams, and does not seek to achieve itself, but all that is concerned is to find a partner to achieve that endeavor, and this is the dream that preoccupies many of the girls, A dream that is disgusting when it becomes widely circulated even to girls who have They seem to want to practice emancipation.

Girls in Moroccan society have been subject to a series of restrictions and people, and this has contributed to the fact that they see themselves as forced to submit. It is a culture that governs this society in general, and it seems by observation that this exists more than we imagine. And if it is related to a person, it is often become subject to him somewhat, while the wife, it was imposed by the culture of community submission to her husband, and it seems likely that this submission has become part of the nature of this female, which confirms that this is not The monopoly of girls in late societies, because often There are girls of this type in developed societies, which has created the possibility that submission is part of the nature of the female, despite the exception of the few, who have freed themselves from this submission with all awareness.

Through most of my observations on the thinking and ambition of girls, I found that most of them dream of marriage, and worse, that they accept the first husband knocking her door, without waiting to know it accurately, and there are those who comply with the desire of her family to marry a relative, The fear of spinsterhood is a possible reason. When marriage becomes a dream, it transcends borders, and these mentalities who think so are out of the context in which they were supposed to go. It is inconceivable that the dream of a girl is limited to getting a husband, and through it, it can be ruled that the girl who becomes the demands of life does not exceed marriage, this girl removed himself the issue of being a human being, because the dream of marriage is not and will not be fit for man As a free and self-contained object, and it is known that man must do himself without waiting for someone to do so. But when we are faced with situations that accept this and make marriage a great dream, we can only be a survivor of their situation and regret the nature of their mentality.

Society rules its rules impressively on individuals, and in the context of the subject we address, this society views the spinsterhood negatively, and perhaps this is a frightening reason for the female to remain in her parents' house

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It is enough to put the definition of our societies masculine, to make sure that the issue of subordination of women is a necessity imposed by these communities, and it has become a culture of control These societies, a pattern of thinking that holds the majority, including females, consider themselves to be less than men, and that men should be in charge of their own affairs, and that they fall under their control. This thinking, which forced them to do so with a desire to win A man who belonged to him, and serve as a commander and a man for them, while he was supposed to be a partner, Icarkin with him in regard to life equally, not one authority to another.

It is clear that society imposes its rules on individuals, and in the context of the subject we are dealing with, this society views the spinsterhood negatively. This may be a frightening reason for the female to remain in her parents' house. This fear of spinsterhood, Which makes the female desire to marry, so as to be free from the negative view of society, and to this end has become a marriage dream companion to the girl, can protect them from the evil of spinsterhood and from the societal perspective, so it seems clear that this limited dream of the female imposed from the society indirectly, As long as the female is not free of societal negatives, it is Will remain subject to the order, and marriage will remain a dream to follow.