One of three outbreaks of flu-related Tamiflu over the last five years has been found in people under 19 years of age.

According to the results of the 'Report on the status of Tamiflu adverse reactions in the last 5 years' received by the Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the National Assembly Health and Welfare Committee Kim Kwang-soo (Democratic Peace), reports of Tamiflu adverse reactions from 2014 to September 2018 It was 1,200 cases.

By year, there were 184 cases in 2014, 209 cases in 2015, 257 cases in 2016, 164 cases in 2017, and 206 cases in January-September 2018, reaching around 200 cases each year.

By age group, the total number of reported adverse events for the past five years was 344 (33.7%) under 19 years old.

This is more than twice as many as the reported number of adverse reactions reported by Tamiflu users aged 65 years or older (13.8%).

The number of reports of sex-related side effects was 608 women, accounting for 59.6% of the total.

There were 318 cases (31.2%) of males.

Women were nearly twice as likely as men.

Kim said, "As the middle school girls who took Tamiflu recently showed signs of abnormalities and then it is revealed that the apartment is crashed and dies, it is necessary to strengthen the management and inspection of medicines in order to eliminate the worry about side effects on children and adolescents. It is necessary. "