Sports is an important and necessary factor for maintaining physical and moral health. WebMD attributes the fact that some people do not continue to carry out their sports plans that they may not like to practice sports in a traditional way. The following are a range of activities that help maintain health without exercise.

1 - Electronic games
Fencing, boxing, dancing, playing tennis, basketball, and other sports can be practiced in virtual games. A scientific study found that people who walked, the enemy or any other sport during a virtual role game did more than spend the same amount of time on an electric treadmill. The study also suggested that the practice of these electronic games will help, later, on traditional exercise.

2. Domestic work
Such as washing the car, polishing it with wax, or cleaning floors at home. These activities will help improve the physical condition, and sitting in a clean, clean car steering wheel or a clean house helps improve the overall situation.

3. Care for the garden
Some may not consider it a practice for exercise, but if you drill, bend or walk around the garden for 30 minutes or so, they will get a decent workout and a high spirits. It is not necessary to own a private garden. You can volunteer to help with a neighborhood park or social club.

4- Dance
The practice of dance helps to engage in appropriate sports activity and contribute to increased social interaction, which is also fun on a personal level. The practice of dance to develop muscles and strengthen the heart and lungs.

5. Walking
The practice of walking is not specifically and deliberately required, but the car can be left at the end of the parking lots when going to buy the household needs of the store. The office can be moved to colleagues at work to tell them something personal, rather than sending an e-mail or an application letter. When you take out the trash or receive mail you can continue to walk and walk around and not just perform the task and return quickly.