"There are some drinks that help you overcome the problem of insomnia at night.

1 Smooth banana with almonds

Smoha Bananas are prepared with almonds by adding ice-cream bananas with a tablespoon of almond butter and a half teaspoon vanilla, as well as a tablespoon of oatmeal flakes with 125 ml milk.

2 Milk

Milk contains two elements, which help to sleep, namely calcium, which ensures the entry of muscles to sleep easily, as well as amino acid tryptophan, which activates the secretion of serotonin known as the hormone happiness, and melatonin, which helps to sleep.

3 Bananas

Bananas also contain tryptophan as well as magnesium, which helps relax the muscles and achieve acid-base balance. Bananas contain a large amount of fiber that helps the body relax. Vanilla also works as a sedative thanks to its essential oils.

Smoother Lavender

Prepare the lavender semolina by adding 200 g of frozen berries, half a teaspoon of lavender, and a passing fruit, with 2 tablespoons of cashew paste, 1 tablespoon of yoghurt and 200 ml of water, all of which will be blended into the blender. Lavender contains essential oils with a calming effect, and dates contain tryptophan and large amounts of magnesium and calcium.