In Moscow, at the age of 93, film director Marlene Hutsiev died. This was reported in the Union of Cinematographers.

“Marlene Martynovich was not at seven in the morning. He died in the Botkin hospital, ”RIA Novosti quotes a representative of the Union of Cinematographers.

At the end of December last year, the People’s Artist of the USSR and his wife Irina Solovyova were hospitalized, and a few days later, on January 4, Solovyova died. The state of the director then the doctors assessed as satisfactory. Later it became known that Hutsiev will spend at the clinic a few more weeks. The director was hospitalized again on March 16th. He was in intensive care with internal bleeding.

"Talented, bright, courageous"

Khutsiev - holder of the Order for Services to the Fatherland II, III and IV degrees, winner of the Orders of Friendship and Honor, Nika and Triumph awards, as well as winner of international film festivals in Prague, Berlin, Rome and Venice.

“Unfortunately, a very talented and bright, brave man has passed away, both in his creative work and in life. Marlene Khutsiyev is one of the pillars of our culture and cinematography, so in what form the Union of Cinematographers will offer to perpetuate its memory, in this form we support it, ”RIA Novosti reports the words of the chairman of the commission on culture and mass communications in the Moscow parliament Yevgeny Gerasimov.

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In the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, it is noted that Hutsiev has always remained a modest, sympathetic person.

“Marlene Martynovich Hutsiev was a very rare figure. He was, for all his colossal significance and world cinematic fame, a completely calm, gentle, thoughtful, lyrical man. He did not make the impression of a giant of cinema - he was a very modest man. His films, which we love and remember, are the youth of our parents and the childhood and youth of many of us. When they say "Hutsiyev", immediately something wonderful appears. Marlene spread such an atmosphere around herself, ”Tatiana Nemchinskaya, press secretary of the Union of Cinematographers, shared in a conversation with RT.

Khutsiev created paintings reflecting the moods of an entire epoch, says Vladimir Medinsky, Russia's culture minister.

“Marlene Hutsiyev passed away. Each of his films reflected the moods of his era and immediately became a classic. The bright memory of the great director, ”he wrote on Twitter.

The State Duma called the death Hutsieva "big loss". As noted by the first deputy head of the State Duma Committee on Culture, Elena Drapeko, the director has always been the lodestar for the next generation of filmmakers.

“Marlene Hutsiyev has been a legend for decades. My generation came to the cinema in the seventies, and already at that time Marlene Hutsiev was such a “code word”. He had an impeccable reputation as a principled man who never bent under power and never made opportunistic films. Marlene Martynovich is not just an artist, it is also a moral landmark, on which many Russian filmmakers have been equal for decades. For us, this is a very big loss, ”she added.

Russian theater and film actress Marianna Vertinskaya notes that on the film set Hutsiev always knew how to create the right mood. Master was respected and loved by all his students.

“He was deservedly recognized as a master of high class. Fellini considered him a wonderful Russian director. He was a wonderful person, very kind, responsible and with humor. Working with him was a pleasure. He knew how to create a mood. Light his memory. A wonderful artist who has lived a wonderful long life, ”she said in an interview with RT.

Innovator and the symbol of the era

A native of Tbilisi, Marlene Hutsiyev began his film career from the post of assistant to the artist in the Tbilisi film studio, and in 1945 he entered the VGIK.

The first full-length film "Spring on Zarechnaya street" Hutsiev shot together with his classmate Felix Myroner. More than 30 million viewers watched it in cinemas.

One of the key works of Khutsiev was recognized as the painting “Zastava Ilyich”, dedicated to the generation that began a conscious life after debunking the cult of Stalin.

The tape was criticized by the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Nikita Khrushchev. Hutsiev was forced to make edits to the film - he cut out footage of the evening of poets in the Polytechnic Museum, as well as the scenes where Andrei Tarkovsky and Andrei Konchalovsky were shot together. The whole movie was first released only in the late 1980s.

In total, Marlene Hutsiev shot more than ten paintings. In the last years of his life, he worked on the film “The Unfinished”, which remained unfinished.