During Tuesday, March 19, the air in Moscow will warm up to + 6 ° С. In the capital and the region will be cloudy, it will rain. South-west wind is expected at a speed of 4-9 m / s, atmospheric pressure will be 751 mm Hg.

“Today, the synoptic situation in the metropolitan region is determined by the warm sector of the Atlantic cyclone and, at the same time, by the influence of the cold air front from the west. This means that the Muscovites are waiting for cloudy weather, there will be short rains. Up to 5-6 millimeters of precipitation will fall, ”the Phobos weather center told RIA Novosti.

This will be the first heavy rain this year. He will go almost all day.

Precipitation and warm air are expected to contribute to melting snow. According to Phobos, in the coming days Moscow and the region will receive a stream from the Atlantic. Thus, already at the beginning of the next week, the capital region will finally say goodbye to the snow drifts.

"Above the climate norm"

The Moscow weather bureau confirmed that March 18 will remain the highest this week. Next, the thermometer will gradually fall. The north-west wind will intensify by the weekend, so the temperature in the center of the metropolitan region will be + 3 ... + 5 ° С to be felt as lower.

“You know, temperature fluctuations will occur in terms of lowering the temperature. Yesterday was the warmest this week, all the following days will be less comfortable, because they will be with precipitations and with a lower temperature, ”said Tatiana Pozdnyakova, chief specialist of the Moscow Weather Bureau, RT.

  • © Vladimir Fedorenko / RIA News

In this case, the temperature will still be above normal. During the day, the figures will remain positive.

“That is, if now we have a temperature significantly higher than the climatic norm, 5-6 ° C degrees, then in the following days the temperature will drop and it, although it will remain above the climatic norm, then only 2-3 ° C. After all, our norm becomes positive only after March 27, ”the meteorologist emphasized.

At night, the temperature closer to the weekend will be with a slight minus, rain is expected in the form of rain and sleet. Most precipitation falls on Saturday afternoon.

“So we cannot assume that we are finished with snowfall,” concluded Tatyana Pozdnyakova.

Cooling and warm beginning of April

The Meteorological Center explained that a cyclone passes through the north of the central part of Russia, an anticyclone passes through the south, and Moscow is at their junction. That is why the temperature exceeds the norm, said Anatoly Tsygankov, Deputy Head of the Situation Center of the Hydrometeorological Center, in a conversation with RT.

In the metropolitan area on Tuesday night, the temperature will be about +0 ... + 2 ° С, by Thursday it will start to get cold. At night, the area is expected to -5 ° C, during the day +3 ... + 5 ° C. On Saturday and Sunday at night the minus is kept, the thermometer bars will show +0 ...- 2 ° С, in some places up to -5 ° С, and in the afternoon + 1 ... + 6 ° С.

“If we take the European part of Russia, then it turns out that cyclones pass through the north. Murmansk region, Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, there cyclones capture more, so there is more rainfall and cooler. If you take closer to Moscow, there is a joint. Further south - Voronezh, Volgograd, and so on, the anticyclone is already affecting there, ”explained Tsygankov.

Sunny weather is expected in southern European Russia, and there will be less precipitation. In the north of the Urals, for example, in Khanty-Mansiysk, the cyclone will spoil the weather, to the south of the Urals, for example, in Chelyabinsk, the anticyclone crest is necessary - there the weather will be more sunny.

Meanwhile, bad weather is raging in the Far East. Storm warning announced in the Khabarovsk Territory. Snowstorm and sleet are predicted, the wind speed will reach 18 m / s. The EMERCOM of Russia Administration for Sakhalin Region also announced an upcoming storm. Heavy snow, blizzard, wind speeds of up to 28 m / s are expected on the Kuriles.

In Moscow, warmer than normal and with precipitation: https://t.co/O26dzTY2d3

- Hydrometeorological Center of Russia (@meteoinfo_ru) March 18, 2019

According to the forecaster, on March 27-29 in Moscow and the region is expected inflow of cold air. At night, the temperature will be below zero: -3 ... -6 ° С. In the daytime, the thermometers will rise to + 1 ... + 5 ° С.

“The beginning of April, according to our calculations, must be warm, the anticyclone will bring warmth. And then it is still unknown, ”said the head of the situational center of the weather center.

Earlier it was reported that the entire territory of Russia in April will be in a warm zone.

"Unstable weather"

Leading meteorologist Gismeteo, Leonid Starkov, in a conversation with RT, warned that the general nature of the weather in the near future is rather unstable, but large differences, as it was in previous days, are not expected.

“Strong fluctuations in temperature and atmospheric pressure should not be expected. Although the weather is unstable. It defines its interaction of a subtropical anticyclone, which covers almost the whole of southern Europe, and Atlantic cyclones shifting in the north of Europe. One of them determines the weather now, ”the meteorologist noted.

The warm sector of this cyclone determined the weather on Monday, which is why the highest temperature since the beginning of this year was recorded: +7 ° C. Then, cool air from northern Europe will begin to flow, which will determine the imminent temperature drop.