In the middle of next week, warming will come to Moscow. According to the Hydrometeorological Center, the thermometer will rise to +18 ... + 20 ° С.

“Following a warm weekend at the beginning of next week, there will be a slight cooling, but by Wednesday the sunny weather will return to the capital region. The air on October 10 and 11 will warm up to +18 ... + 20 ° С, ”Tass quotes the chief specialist of the Hydrometeorological Center Maria Makarova.

The leading member of the Phobos weather center, Yevgeny Tishkovets, in a conversation with RT, expressed doubt that the temperature would rise to +20 ° C.

“To be honest, I would not be so optimistic, because, first of all, the northern thrust of the winds is preserved. Secondly, the day in October is getting shorter and shorter, the Sun is lower and lower above the horizon. Solar energy is not enough to raise the temperature to the level of 15-20 degrees. I think this is unlikely, ”he said.

At the same time, he confirmed that in the middle of the next week the Muscovites really expect warming.

“In any case, especially somewhere on Thursday-Friday, at +17 ° C, well, maybe with a stretch, at +18 ° C, we can count, but this is the ceiling. Higher temperatures are unlikely to rise, yet now it’s almost mid-October, ”added Tishkovets.

As Deputy Chief of the Situation Center of Roshydromet Anatoly Tsygankov noted in a conversation with RT, next week the thermometers may reach +18 ° C, but slightly lower temperatures are likely - from +13 ° C to +15 ° C.

"We hope that the Atlantic anticyclone will come to us from Tuesday, high pressure, so there will be sunny weather without precipitation and temperatures are quite decent ... Of course, we want to have the maximum, that is +18 ° C, but maybe +13 ° С, +14 ° С and +15 ° С, ”said Tsygankov.

“Next week, we are waiting for a real old Indian summer with characteristic cloudy, calm weather and very comfortable temperatures, which on some days will be 5–7 degrees higher than the climatic norm. In the capital region, at night, the air will cool down on average to +1 ... + 6 ° С. It is expected +10 ... + 15 ° С in the afternoon in the first half of the week. And by the end of the week - up to +13 ... 18 ° С. That is, the real golden autumn will come, ”Tishkovets stressed.

Warm week

At the same time, the comfortable temperature will be established in Moscow on October 7. According to weather forecasters, under the influence of the north-western periphery of the anticyclone, the air warms up to +14 ... + 16 ° С.

“Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region are mostly waiting for partly cloudy, that is, sunny, without precipitation. Even at night, the air will not cool below +7 ... + 9 ° С in the megalopolis, in the region of +4 ... + 9 ° С. During the day, you can count on warming up to comfortable +14 ... + 16 ° С in the capital, in the Moscow region - +11 ... + 16 ° С, ”said Tishkovets.

However, by the evening the weather will deteriorate significantly. According to the forecaster, in some areas "may rain a little rain." On October 8 in Moscow it will become colder up to +8 ... + 10 ° С, and in the region - up to +6 ... + 11 ° С.

“In the worst case, rains can last somewhere around noon, after which there is a tendency for gradual improvement in the second half of Monday,” the meteorologist said.

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Rosgidromet noted that the night of October 9 in the Moscow region will be cool, and in the region the temperature may drop to -3 ° C. However, then the weather will improve under the influence of the Atlantic anticyclone to the expected +13 ... + 18 ° С.

“The weather is very comfortable, in October this rarely happens,” Tishkovets stressed.

In connection with the warming in the weather center, they advised not to close the summer season, reports Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

“At least until mid-October in the central regions of Russia, we predict warm weather. A very warm week is expected in Moscow and the Moscow Region. Until October 15, we do not see any cold weather. And even the sun will appear every day, ”said Alexander Golubev, head of the department of short-term weather forecasts at the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia.

September record

At the same time, September in the Central Federal District became the warmest in the last 80 years. According to the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, the average monthly temperature exceeded the norm by more than 3 ° C. In general, in Russia, only twice in the entire history of regular meteorological observations September was warmer: in 2005 and 2016.

“If you take last September, it turned out to be very warm. And pretty dry. October began with heat, the first three days were above the norm by 0.5-1.5 degrees. Yesterday, it is 1.5 colder, that is, around the norm, ”noted Tsygankov.

According to him, throughout October, the temperature will also be around or above normal.

“On Sunday, the temperature is expected to be above normal by about four degrees. On Monday - about two degrees above normal. Tuesday - about the norm due to the cold night. Wednesday - again, above the norm somewhere around two to three degrees. And on the 11th is also above the norm. According to the forecast, almost the whole of Russia, October is at or near the norm, or higher, ”the forecaster said.