On the night of April 2-3, at the age of 68, people's artist Aleksey Buldakov died. As reported by TASS, the cause of death was heart failure.

The misfortune happened when the actor was in the capital of Mongolia, Ulan Bator, where he came to celebrate the birthday of a friend. The Embassy of the Russian Federation in this country reported that the body of the actor would be delivered to Russia on Thursday, reports RIA Novosti. In this case, the farewell to Buldakov will be held on April 7 at the Moscow Cinema House.

The chairman of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Culture and Mass Communications, Yevgeny Gerasimov, has already announced that they can perpetuate the memory of a popular artist in Moscow.

“Of course, he is a favorite artist of the people, I think that we will perpetuate his memory, perhaps with a memorial plaque on the house where he lived. I think that from the Guild of Actors, from the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation there will be a corresponding offer, ”RIA Novosti quotes Gerasimov.

Buldakov's death has already been commented on by his colleagues in the workshop. So, the actor Pavel Derevyanko noted his wonderful sense of humor.

“We all watched“ Peculiarities of National Hunting ”,“ Peculiarities of National Fishing ”, there is a picture in front of our eyes, like he is sitting with a cigar. He was such a typical Russian, in the best sense, a wonderful person. He had a wonderful sense of humor. There were few artists like him, and there were very few. And now Alexey Buldakov left, it’s a pity very much, ”said the actor.

A director Julius Gusman pointed to the talent and human qualities of the artist.

“Alexey Buldakov is not only a talented actor, but also a very good, warm person,” noted Gusman. “It’s a pity that he left so early, out of time.”

According to the actor Semyon Strugachev, with whom Buldakov starred in “The Features of the National Hunt,” they planned to make another sequel to the film.

“We still dreamed of shooting“ 20 years later. Features. Just a week ago, they talked about it. I also told him, while everyone is alive - it’s necessary to remove them, ”the channel actor transmits the words.

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The role of General Ivolgina - business card

Buldakov was born on March 26, 1951 in the village of Makarovka of the Altai Territory. In his youth, he was fond of sports: engaged in boxing and classic wrestling. However, the love of the theater took over, and in 1969 he graduated from the drama school at the Pavlodar Drama Theater. A.P. Chekhov.

During his career, Buldakov starred in more than 140 films and TV shows. Among them: "Shirley Myrli" (1995), "Blockhouse" (1998), "Antikiller 2: Antiterror" (2003), "Tired of the Sun 2: Imminence" (2010) and "Forester" (2011).

The greatest popularity brought him the role of General Ivolgina (better known as "Mikhalych") in the film by Alexander Rogozhkin "Features of the national hunt" (1995). The artist said that he copied the image of the Russian military from General Alexander Lebed. Subsequently, they became friendly, and Lebed told him that at first he took this picture as a mockery of himself, but acknowledged that Ivolgin was very much like him.

For his role in this film Buldakov in 1996 received a film award "Nika" in the nomination "Best Male Role". The picture quickly gained national love, after which several sequels were filmed: “Operation“ Happy New Year! ”(1996),“ Peculiarities of National Fishing ”(1998),“ Peculiarities of National Hunting in Winter ”(2000) and“ Peculiarities of National Policy (2003). In each of them, Buldakov's character invariably appeared. And in the latter - "Features of national policy" - General Ivolgin and does become the main character of the picture.

In these films, the hero Buldakov, as a rule, is laconic and speaks mostly when he makes toasts. However, those rare phrases that he says quickly became winged.

The creative interests of Buldakov were not limited to cinema and theater: he also studied music. In 2001, together with the group "Horus", he recorded the album "I Embrace All." The album consisted of 14 songs written by the poet Anatoly Poperechny and composer Yevgeny Bednenko. In 2011, another actor's CD was released - “Old Tango”.

In 2009, Buldakov was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.