Master of the game “What? Where? When? ”Alexander Druz is suspended from filming this show, and the editor of“ Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? ”Ilya Behr will not take part in the preparation of this show.

“On Channel One, the act of Ilya Bera and Alexander Druzia is considered unethical and unacceptable, who deliberately made the hostages of their suspicions towards each other the viewers and dozens of their own TV colleagues involved in the creation of the show“ Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? ” "What? Where? When? ”And Channel One as a broadcaster. In this situation, the leadership of Channel One supports the decision of the manufacturing companies to suspend Ilya Bera and Alexander Druzya from further participation in the programs ..., ”the channel said in a statement.

Also, “First” published the comments of Ilya Krivitsky, Director General of the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Program of the Krasny Kvadrat TV company and Natalya Stetsenko, the General Director of the I Play TV company.

According to Krivitsky, “Red Square” appreciates Ber’s professional qualities, but nevertheless intends to remove him from work for an indefinite period.

“Ilya Ber was not entitled to make“ investigative experiments ”- no matter how well-intentioned he was guided by - on federal television. None of the crew has the right to discuss with the participants questions and answers, these are the rules that have never been violated. The outcome of the game with the participation of Alexander Druze is canceled, the prize will not be paid. The situation has let down the broadcaster, the program, all those who work on it, and our innocent viewers who watched the release of "Millionaire," said Krivitsky.

Stetsenko also reported on the suspension for an “indefinite period” of participation in “What? Where? When? ”Alexandra Druzya - this decision was made because the incident“ cast a shadow on the reputation of the whole intellectual club ”.

“The situation is scandalous and rebound affects our program. Alexandra Druzya is very fond of the audience of our program. Alexander has been playing since 1981, 38 years old, and has never been seen in anything like that! Whoever is right in this conflict, and both of his participants claim the opposite, they should not have their personal accounts on federal air, ”she explained.

"Looks like a personal conflict."

The decision of the TV companies in an interview with Interfax was commented by one of the defendants in the conflict - Ilya Behr.

“I could be indignant at the fact that I was removed, but from the point of view of the internal organization of the program, this is the correct logic ... It’s really my fault before my colleagues, because he made them hostages of this situation,” he said.

At the same time, Ber insists that his version of events is the only correct one.

"I have no version, I have the truth," the editor said.

Impresario Alexandra Druzia told RT that he did not comment on the decision to remove a connoisseur.

Director General of the First Channel Konstantin Ernst stressed the need to understand the situation.

“We need to understand how it really was. At first glance, it looks like a personal conflict. But, nevertheless, the conclusions will be made when we find out all the circumstances, ”Ernst told Interfax.

At the same time, it suggests that the conflict of two people should not become a pretext for compromising the “beloved by many and not tied to the scandals of the program”.

  • © Frame: Channel One

"Theme for talk shows"

According to TV presenter Valdis Pelsh, if the management decided to dismiss Friends and Beer, then there were good reasons for that.

“If the channel decided to cancel, then the channel had some arguments. If Druz made a statement that he was not the only one to blame, then he had arguments. Let the competent parties understand. It is possible that this will be a topic for various talk shows, ”Pelsh RT noted.

Erudite and TV presenter Anatoly Wasserman also believes that this topic will interest producers of entertainment programs.

“The decision made by the First Channel, forced ... it is necessary in such cases to remove all defendants in the case before full investigation. I can only suggest that Channel One direct both to the transmission ... where there is a lie detector, and you can quickly and with some hope of the accuracy of the results find out what really happened, ”said Wasserman.

In an interview with RT, the erudite stressed that a few decades ago, similar episodes took place in similar American game television shows, and this greatly affected their reputation.

“I think this decision is forced. As long as there is no complete clarity about what happened, who is right, who is to blame, this is a forced decision. Moreover, since Druz himself does not deny that some of the questions were communicated to him in advance, then naturally, he formally violated the rules of the game and is not entitled to receive a fee for this, ”the TV presenter believes.