The Sudanese child (Kamal - 18 months) suffers from renal failure, causing other health problems such as malnutrition and difficulty in movement. He needs kidney transplant later, which is not specified by the doctors.

According to Tawam Hospital, the child needs special medicines and nutrition, as well as the medical supplies used by kidney patients for a lifetime. The cost is 45,000 and 580 dirhams, but his father's financial capabilities do not help him to meet his needs.

The father said that Kamal was his only child, and he did not imagine that he would begin his life suffering such a magnitude. "My wife and I were delighted to see our first son arrive in life, waiting for him to come forward. As all parents do, during my pregnancy my wife and I were busy preparing the children to receive him, but about a month later, the doctor who supervised his follow-up told us that he was suffering from renal insufficiency. We rushed him to Tawam Hospital in Al Ain, where he was diagnosed with health problems. Kidneys, which negatively affected his nutrition and ability to move ».

He added: "The doctors confirmed that Kamal will need kidney transplant later, at a date not yet specified, and stressed the need to continue to take kidney medicines, and the need for nutrition of a special kind, as well as the medical supplies needed by the kidney patient, AED 3798, which means that the annual cost is more than 45 thousand and 580 dirhams, which is a very large amount compared to my modest financial possibilities ».

He explained that he is the sole breadwinner for his family members. He works in a private sector and receives 5,000 dirhams a month, from which he pays 2,300 dirhams to rent the house.

He said, "I do not know what to do. The circumstances he ordered are very difficult. I can not manage the amount needed to treat my child. I have contacted charitable organizations to help with the cost of treatment. I do not even know how I will manage the costs of kidney transplant After that, so I appeal to the good people of the affluent to help me secure the amount required for treatment ».

According to a medical report issued by Tawam Hospital, the child began to suffer from chronic renal failure a month later. He needs special nutrition, medicines and medical supplies. He also needs kidney transplantation because of his health.


Darma the monthly cost of treating the child «Kamal».